Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cover image for A Central HUB for the XDC Community!

A Central HUB for the XDC Community!

Tre Nelson on November 12, 2022

onXDC brings all projects across the XDC ecosystem into one place, providing a seamless experience and a one-stop-shop for every project built on X...
bblock profile image
Brad Akers

I vote Yes.

I have met with Tre Nelson and I feel he is a standup and hard working individual. I admire a family man who works a full time job and then continues to build on his off time. This shows passion and dedication when things are hard.

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Appreciate your support, Brad.

mrblockchain22 profile image
Salomon Morales

I vote YES!

Even though Tre has many things going on, his passion drives what he does and he does it well. I have no doubt he will be able to execute this and bring it to fruition for the XDC community. This is something that we need for the community and to be able to keep a central location to highlight all the amazing things that are being built in the XDC ecosystem. I have met Tre in person and we've had a few conversations and as I believe he has the bandwidth to complete the proposed project.

acroyearone profile image


This is a fantastic idea. A hub of all things XDC is a great way to introduce people to the ecosystem. I have spoken to Tre, who is sponsoring this proposal, about this project and I am impressed. He’s highly motivated, and razor sharp. He has some great ideas for bringing more users and use cases to the XDC network, and onXDC is just the start. His optimism and unstoppable attitude is infectious, he’s the type of person I would follow into battle. He’s business acumen is impressive, I’ve read over his Linked In bio, I think the onXDC platform will add tremendous value to the community and the entire XDC space. Hell Yes!

theaaronp profile image

Vote = YES
I've had the good fortune of having a handful of virtual meetings with Tre. He was always on camera. He was always where he said he would be. And he seems focused, driven, and passionate. Checks a lot of boxes of who I want running a project, creating a vision. The fact that there is a community uplift mission behind the idea is inspiring.

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author • Edited on

Hello XDC Community Members,

Thank you all for taking the time to review and vote on this proposal.

Final Vote Count. Yes = 45 No = 6

As one of the builders on the XDC Network, I've realized that we must lift our 'collective voices' to achieve rapid mainstream adoption of the XDC Network.

I firmly believe the onXDC project will move us ALL towards exponential growth! 🚀

#XDCStrongerTogether #BuilditonXDC #XDCNetwork

jonathan_evans_de0862fbe9 profile image
Jonathan Evans


We need this!! Building a community that is scattered is hard to do and has little impact. We need it all in one place so everyone can engage, learn, and therefore contribute to the ecosystem. This would be the most impactful move for the XDC community.

ajaymakvana02 profile image
ajaymakvana02 • Edited on

YES to onXDC. YES to more cool projects and people building here. YES to spreading the passion for the XDC network. YES YES YES. I love the idea and the site. Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully answer the few naysayers, you're way more patient that I could be. Maybe as the site grows and they see the development progress, they will contribute their ideas and help make it all bigger and better. XDC is a chain with true potential... building a hub and resource for the community and other projects and developers can really help spread the awareness. More awareness leads to more users and more development, which equals more wallet holders. YES to all that.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author • Edited on

Thank you for your response! I respect your opinion and would like to add some context here for each of your points.

  1. I spoke with the founder of OnXRP and showed him my plans for this project. I let him know that I am an investor in his projects (XPunks and $OXP) and was inspired by his work.

The UI is similar because we use the same designer. That designer also built the DØP3 Club NFT Website. That is just he designs websites and I really like it. While there are some similarities, they are also very different.

There is one big difference in the OnXRP model, and the model I’ve outlined in this proposal. OnXRP only features products developed by their team.

OnXDC has been developed for every project building on the XDC Network. To bring the community together, promote learning, and mainstream adoption of the entire network.

  1. DØP3 Club NFT is cash flow positive. If you take a look at our road map we have been executing consistently quarter after quarter. Even during a bear market, we have added utility for the entire ecosystem. Our collaboration with Wanchain was the first to bridge NFTs to $ETH $BNB $MATIC - this exponentially increased the total addressable market for every single NFT holder on XDCNFT (NFT sales are down because bitcoin is under $20k)

I took over XDCNFT, because the founders wanted to walk away. I did not want to let that happen because it is a linchpin project for the entire NFT ecosystem. If the marketplace would have failed (1) all of the creators would have lost their content (2) NFT holders would not have been able to access their tokens (3) it would have been considered a rug pull by the original team and would have put a stain on the XDC NFT ecosystem. That would have been catastrophic for a burgeoning NFT ecosystem, and I did not wanna let it happen. So I raised my hand and volunteered to take over.

  1. The fact that I have a full-time job is the reason why all of my projects have been successful. I don't have to put a salary on our balance sheet. I am not setting up cash, grabs, or Ponzi schemes. I’m building successful, sustainable businesses. All of my previous business experience has prepared me to be successful in the Blockchain space.

I have been launching healthcare technology platforms similar to this for the last 15 years. Most recently HealthJoy. Please check them out. It’s a platform for employees that brings all their employee benefits into one place. I helped launch that platform well before OnXRP was launched. This is where the onXDC platform idea came from.

  1. I am currently paying for the XDCNFT marketplace AWS hosting on my personal AMEX while it generates zero revenue.

I’m doing this for all of the creators who put their blood sweat and tears into their NFT projects
(Including my own)

I’m doing this so that the XDC Network NFT marketplaces are not perceived as rug pulls

I’m one of the most passionate ambassadors in XDC community. I am working to lift up the entire community and move it forward.

Have a great week! Thank you for reading the proposal.

xdcdomains profile image
XDC Web3 Domains


XDC really needs such a community, it will connect and bring great power to the whole ecosystem.

jemchain profile image
Jill Wheaton

I Vote Yes!

XDC needs more activity and I think a hub like this is a great idea.

boris_xdc_b7b9a25940bb63d profile image
Boris XDC


I'd have to vote against this. There is already a heavy workload on your plate with the projects you have built yourself and acquired recently, including but not limited to; D0peClub, XDCSwaps, SuperBullsNFT, XDCNFT etc. etc.. I'd like to see delivery, especially, on the Blocksworkz portfolio recently 'acquired', first. Whether your intentions are right or wrong, the truth of the matter is you acquired a portfolio of projects recently that were INTENTIONALLY Rugged by previous founders. Not stating you were in on it all along, but that has left a stain on Community Trust around these projects. If you do right by the Community you will earn trust back but before that's the case, I need to vote against this to avoid XDC.Dev funds to be possibly exploited and mismanaged. The idea is pitched nicely but the XDCFoundation is already much on top of sharing ecosystem developments on a frequent basis, hosting AMAs, sharing Podcasts etc. Even though there may be more beyond to this 'OnXDC' idea but not a definitive must.

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thanks for reading the proposal. I respect your opinion. Check the BLKZ chat for the full story.


hayato_suzuki_e8c25654d11 profile image
hayato suzuki


felipe profile image
fjimenezf • Edited on


I think having a central hub will make easy for every one to access to the services and projects on XDC.

matthew_jiang_388391678a5 profile image
Matthew Jiang

I vote YES!
This would be great for XDC.

lifttcapital777 profile image
LIFTT Capital


This will bring significant value to the XDC Community. The proposal is being presented by a founder and owner of a prominent part of the XDC ecosystem with a great track record!

As a member of the XDC community a central hub is needed for all new comers to get up to speed about all things XDC quickly and conveniently.

Great web design and sound financial budget.

This proposal deserves attention and respect.

A Central Hub is needed! And the community is excited for this proposal to be accepted!!

joey_steel profile image
Joey Steel

Vote = YES

A “main hub” would be fantastic for the XDC community. Resounding yes from me!

andre_casterman_d0f667c4f profile image
Andre Casterman

I vote "NO" given the huge budget required and lack of $ generation. There is no need to pay to develop such informative website. It should be the other way around whereby each project pays to be listed in case they see any value. It's not up to the XDC community to pay for developing such portal advertising projects - many of which will fail anyway and involve scams as such @SuperBullsNFT.

sean_ profile image


Even though I would like to see a platform like this about XDC network and It's ecosystem I can not say YES at the moment. Since you acquired BlocksWorkz recently and it was quite a controversial take over per my understanding, I would like to see you deliver on that first. You said you would justice to the BLKZ community and work diligently on making that project a success.

No hard feelings against you or anyone associated with this, but It's a fundamental question for me.

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Hi Mohit,

I took over BLKZ to prevent the Marketplace from going down.

  1. Creators would have lost their collections

  2. Investors would have lost their NFT tokens

  3. XDC NFT Ecosystem would have been stained

The DAO wanted to spend the treasury (only worth 20k) to try and fix the situation. As a businessman, I know to protect the treasury when the market is down. Not one token has been touched.

I stepped in to provide clear direction and leadership.

The focus doesn’t need to be on one project, it needs to be on the entire ecosystem.

Thanks for reading the proposal.

fitness4fun_game_12008729 profile image
Fitness4fun Game

I vote Yes the idea is great I would like to also see XSwap Protocol XSP added to this also.

ronald_mitchell_0de6c6219 profile image
Ronald Mitchell

Vote Yes! Would love to see Everything XDC in one place! If it's built On around or beside XDC you can find it OnXDC! 😉 literally one website to save, from there you can navigate to anything XDC. Want to go to exchange? They are all listed. Newp, I only use DEX, no problem all DEX links are in place, decide where the most liquidity is located and swap! Missed the Twitter Live, no worries, it and all podcasts ans interviews will be archived for research and review! Looking for new listings XRC-20, you find them OnXDC What's New! $VOY $CRE $CHUPA! Absolutely Love this Proprietary Option you have here with OnXDC!!! LFG🔥🔥

Salaries seem very fair as well! 💰👌🏽

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you for your support!🙏🏽

harleyhermanson profile image
harley hermanson

Brilliant a central hub for all things onXDC would bring value and help with adoption to the xdc network! Gets a yes from me!

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you!🙏🏽

shangleslanger profile image

Yes - Sounds like a ton of great ideas that would be a huge benefit to the network.
A centralized hub would be GREAT!!!

cc_crypto profile image
Couples Crypto


We need this. Vital hub for the XDC Community.


shaneice_bell_60a38b9c1cd profile image
Shaneice Bell

Vote = Yes

I’m excited for all these XDC features and projects to all be in one place. Plus I’m a fan of DOP3 Club NFTs. Liftt Capital sent me!

ddmcneill profile image
D Mac

Vote = Yes.

The community needs a central hub.

nileshsolanki1311 profile image


jen profile image
Jen • Edited on

great idea and design

digpia profile image


ajitmakvana profile image
ajitmakvana • Edited on

I vote YES! It could make a real positive impact for the XDC community.

darshansankodiya profile image
darshansankodiya • Edited on

Great idea, I just love this idea, We need this!

theghostoftheuchiha9 profile image


Thank you for your Contribution :)

ashvinmakvana profile image
ashvinmakvana • Edited on

VOTE: YES..... I think the onXDC platform will attract a lot of attention and get more eyes and interest in the XDC chain. A great way to show the world what is happening on the XDC network.

sanjayupadala profile image
sanjayupadala • Edited on

XDC needs a hub like this. I VOTE YES! The more activity and great ideas and cool design .. the better.

michel_crypto profile image

i vote yes

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you for your support!

bibliomp_official profile image
Bibliomp Official

Vote = yes

I think this would be a great addition to the ecosystem. Xdc needs a place that outsiders can come explore the ecosystem easily.

ra30 profile image


schmidt profile image
Victor Schmidt

I vote YES!

This would be a great hub for networking and a useful resource for the XDC community, and I believe Tre Nelson is the guy to run the project.

james_love_23979d134fec2b profile image
James Love

VOTE = YES to the idea and operations

OVERALL VOTE = NO because this is basically a website and $300k for a year and a month seems a little steep asking price but …

While we’re at it maybe you can cut your price down and finally get us a new xinfin website while you build this one

The founders can probably give the most accurate estimate of what bounty the ecosystem should pay for building and maintaining the main xinfin website (I call it that not to confuse with XDC Foundation) and to build this hub that is simply informational and does not pick favorites; though if the community knows a layer 2 is a bad actor, it should not appear in the hub imo

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author


Thanks for reading the proposal.

The goal is not to build a website, I’m building a community.

  1. Vetting all the projects

  2. Listing all the projects

  3. Curating all the data

  4. Curating is he content

  5. Recording / Editing / publishing the podcast

  6. Standing up an archival node for the rich list

  7. Engaging the community about XDC

  8. Attending Conferences to get the word out

  9. Continuous updates and improvements

  10. Full time Dev

Ecosystems don’t build themselves. You need consistent, intentional, passionate evangelist to build and grow.

therealbasterd profile image

Adoption on XDC requires a mix of catering to the the public (investors) and developers. Creating a hub that provides a resource to make dev work easier is a great way to get more adoption.

jesse_smith_6b0dbb8451fad profile image
Jesse Smith

This sounds amazing, it's a big 'ol yes from me!

marina profile image

I vote Yes.

Hello, yes it is an excellent proposal for the projects within the XDC to have more prominence, thus adding more value to them, I hope it is a success.

troy_reed_38b379e11049989 profile image
Troy Reed


I support the community and want to support the XDC team and community!

timmor90 profile image

Vote - NO
This seems a bit much like frontloading off of onXRP, not to mention some parties involved here were part of some discussions that maybe should have required NDA. Blockworkz essentially slow rugged the community, the foundation should not need to fund a website linking to a bunch of other peoples work. I think many would like to see "XDCNFT" and blockworkz attended to before see other peoples ideas taken and then overfunded.
Maybe this criticism is harsh, but as was stated in their own words, blockworkz and xdcnft were walking away. Don't think anyone would have missed them anyhow. Want to build the "onXRP" of XDC? Then fund it through the 5 chains DopeClub has been doing things through

Lastly, $370k is an insane number for this. $ for travel to conferences?

timmor90 profile image

Tre does seem like a good guy, just not understanding why any of this kind of funding would be needed, and blkz and xdcnft are abandoned

eddie_cullen_d51b198734cd profile image
Eddie Cullen

I vote absolutely YES; we need a platform that has all projects working together. It is a very important project and we need collaborative efforts across the entire ecosystem.

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you for your support!🙏🏽

ashvindesigner profile image
ashvindesigner • Edited on

This will be great for the XDC community... a resounding YES vote.

nmzn profile image
Matthias Büxenstein

Vote = Yes

Absolutely :)

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you!

courtney_walker_419d65eb1 profile image
Courtney Walker

Vote = Yes

billy93 profile image

Vote : YES

I love the UI Design ❤

bilbobaggins profile image

Vote = No

I see this as unnecessary use of funds. XDC will do just fine without it. Many people are spending hours per day promoting the XDC community in many ways and haven't sought to monetize their efforts. Hopefully this trend stops.

sandeep_s_d7e9b2903c10972 profile image
sandeep s

Vote = Yes!

Hai Nelson, I had gone through your proposal, which really excites. Hope you have lots of experience in previous projects and companies you are currently running in. As you like to kickstart new project that brings everything in one place kind of central hub will make great impact to eco system. Also demo video shows the clear idea about the future of platform

I hope you are passionate about this project. Love and support will be always from my side for this project. All the best Nelson !!!!!

xxxxx_xdc profile image

This is the most necessary platform!
It was not easy for the new members to grasp the ecosystem at a glance!
It's very necessary!

vote = YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you for your support! 🙏🏾

I'm so excited to carry this forward for the community!

alps_873f4f5e9d02 profile image
Al Ps

Vote = YES

honestq profile image

Vote= yes
Can't wait to see how far this community can go. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

xxxxx_xdc profile image

I think it would be better to provide an aggregator that can be selectively swapped at the best exchange rate by comparing all dex of xdc to the purpose of being a central hub!

ravikumar_j_5016c023f6919 profile image
Ravikumar J

Is it more like a playstore?

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author • Edited on

Hi @ravikumar_j_5016c023f6919

This is a great question!

Wiki defines the Google playstore as "the official app store for certified devices running on the Android operating system" In a way, it's a virtual catalog that aggregates the digital media (games, music, books, movies) available for the android/google ecosystem.

onXDC will be much more than a catalog of projects/companies building on or beside the XDC Network.

onXDC will be an immersive experience that will allow you to:

  1. Learn more about the projects/companies built on or building onXDC
  2. Learn more about the founders of these projects, their backgrounds, and what inspired them through their websites, podcasts, and interviews.
  3. Connect with like-minded individuals new to the XDC Network, and get up to speed quickly
  4. Connect with entrepreneurs, investors, and devs passionate about building onXDC
  5. Visit a Metaverse built onXDC
  6. Buy XDC, Stake, Swap, Earn XRC-20 Tokens with Finance Companies built onOXC
  7. Purchase NFTs from various marketplaces built onXDC
  8. Read the lates news articles for projects built onXDC

The possibilities are endless!

But this will be a virtual community for those interested in learning more about the XDC Network. A place to connect with members/investors/devs/builders on the XDC Network. And will feature vetted projects building on or beside the XDC Network as we pursue mainstream adoption.

Hope this helps!

n_w_rct profile image
Nick | RCT

Vote = Yes!

belle profile image

Awesome Tre. I vote YES for this.

onxdcnetwork profile image
Tre Nelson Author

Thank you, Belle!

offgridgambler profile image
Farmhouse Productions


nadeem_ahmed_cfb7b629a64b profile image
Nadeem Ahmed

This would be great for the XDC network.

harini_maticz_ce83eb82642 profile image
Harini maticz

Vote = YES

I support the initiative taken towards the growth of XDC. This will be a great idea.

chiefmaker profile image
Anton D.


I'm absolutely sure of it

adi profile image
Dmtiriy Antonov


I think we need this! XDC is a great project with a great future!

slimymoonman profile image

I vote yes!

sreelekshmi_maticz_f7167c profile image
Sreelekshmi Maticz

Vote = Yes!

The proposal you came up with was really a exiciting one!!! I hope this project will reach a super success level .All the best for this new project my side.

ivan_chernyshev profile image
ivan chernyshev

it all depends on how the hub will be implemented. but i vote YES for the idea

todd_kuykendall_6f1c79d49 profile image
Todd Kuykendall

Vote = Yes

timmor90 profile image


akash_swamy_29e2602c52d9a profile image
akash swamy


This is a fantastic idea

kslp profile image
Lakshmi Priya


sonia_d_337f6d8af7f4cdc92 profile image
Sonia D

I vote YES!

surya_maticz_2e23abd83309 profile image
surya maticz • Edited on

Vote = Yes

paramaguru_j_89c5d1476404 profile image
Paramaguru J


anusoorya profile image
anusoorya maticz

Vote = YES

Amazing Roadmap

cardi profile image
Дмитрий Антонов