Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: A Central HUB for the XDC Community!

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Boris XDC


I'd have to vote against this. There is already a heavy workload on your plate with the projects you have built yourself and acquired recently, including but not limited to; D0peClub, XDCSwaps, SuperBullsNFT, XDCNFT etc. etc.. I'd like to see delivery, especially, on the Blocksworkz portfolio recently 'acquired', first. Whether your intentions are right or wrong, the truth of the matter is you acquired a portfolio of projects recently that were INTENTIONALLY Rugged by previous founders. Not stating you were in on it all along, but that has left a stain on Community Trust around these projects. If you do right by the Community you will earn trust back but before that's the case, I need to vote against this to avoid XDC.Dev funds to be possibly exploited and mismanaged. The idea is pitched nicely but the XDCFoundation is already much on top of sharing ecosystem developments on a frequent basis, hosting AMAs, sharing Podcasts etc. Even though there may be more beyond to this 'OnXDC' idea but not a definitive must.

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Tre Nelson Author

Thanks for reading the proposal. I respect your opinion. Check the BLKZ chat for the full story.
