Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

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ruslan wing

XinFin For the Win

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All 119 comments

I would like to invest in XDC

You can use uphold exchange to buy the XDC Tokens you can als...

Idea to Develop Token ERC404 Portal

Yes you can easily deploy a token on XDC Network as it's an E...

[Closed] #XDC

Please check out the detailed guide on How you can connect Le...

[Closed] I am a new/student developer and trying to deploy my first time to xdc network.

Please use the ERPC for the smart contract deployment For M...

[WIP] Deployment of subgraph on

Please follow this steps to deploy a Subgraph

Access the XDC Network Masternode App with Wallet Connect for Enhanced Masternode Functionality

Hii Masternode App can be found on at

[Feedback] The Pitfalls of Developing on XDC Network: A Critical Assessment

Here is the list of the Public RPC on XDC Network you need to...

[WIP] Hardhat deployment issue on XDC Apothem testnet

Please use following RPC to deploy a sma...

[WIP]XDC Wallet lost on a Trezor

Hello Sergio Please check out the detail guide about the so...


Please check out the detail guide on How you can access your ...

[WIP] HeadTracker is not capturing few blocks in Apothem / Mainnet

Hello Lokesh Can you please use the Archive node RPC and do...

[Solved]Trouble accessing XDC wallet on Trezor using Xinfin Web Wallet

On the XDC Network beta wallet ther...

[Solved]Need help whit XDC Ledger adress created whit mycrypto. I've lost all?

Can you please try connecting again now as it works completel...

[Closed]Deploy Contract via Remix

If you are using Ethereum remix and XDCPay then you need to s...

[Solved]Can't deploy Remix contract on Apothem

Hello please use the following RPC on the metamask erpc.apoth...

[WIP]Web Wallet mnemonic & wrong password issue

If you are accessing your wallet with mnemonic phrase please ...

[Closed]Swapping ETH to XDC on meta mask

Unfortunately you can not swap ETH to XDC on metamask but you...

[Solved]RPC Endpoint in XDC Private Network

Yes on the XDC Private network also you can setup ERPC which ...

[Closed]You denied the transaction signature request

You can reach out to the MyCrypto wallet team here

[Closed]You denied the transaction signature request

To resolve this issue, try the following: Double-check the t...

XDC sent from Uphold to Ledger Nano-S

You need to install the XDC App on the ledger live and then c...

XDC Network Ledger Nano X

Ledger Live is not supported yet You will have to install X...

Setting Up an RPC Node Server for Your DApp on XDC Network: A Comprehensive Guide

Please check out the working RPC on Main-Net and Apothem Netw...

[Closed]XDC on ledger

Please check out the detail guide on How to use ledger with X...

[Closed]Impossible to connect with nano ledger on any wallet (myetherwallet, mycrypto...)

Hello Please try again was able to connect the ledger hardw...

[Closed]Help getting Xdc off the blocksScan

Please note Coinbase wallet does not support XDC Network If y...

[Closed]I'm struggling to load XDC onto Ledger nano s plus

Please check out the detailed guide

[Closed]How Do I Send XDC From My Ledger

If you are sending it to any exchange please replace the xdc ...

[Closed]XDC sent from uphold on the eth network. Showing on MEW on the eth network

Please note the derivation Path for XDC Network and Ethereum ...


Just tried to access the XDCPay wallet with Trezor it works f...

[Closed] RPC not working

It's backup and working fine now can you please check it out

[Closed]I sent usdt to an unclaimed xdc address

If you are having the keys of the unknown address then only y...

[Closed]XDCwallet - unable to access my wallet with mnemonic phrase & password anymore

Please make sure to use the password which you used at the ti...

[WIP]XDC private blockchain Fail to create tx sign for signer error

Please make sure you are using correct nonce for the transact...

[Closed]how to transfer XDC (not XDCe)and to my Ledger Nano S wallet?

For now you can use ledger by connecting MyEtherwallet or MyC...

Issue with running master node on XDC private network setup

Hello poonam Sing +----------------------------------------...

Issue with running master node on XDC private network setup

Please note you need to start the network with at least 3 mas...

[Closed]ledger transfer

Please try to access it with my crypto wallet for that please...

[Closed]Problems sending xdc from Uphold with xdc address

Please note XDC Network is an EVM compatible network. Ethereu...

[Closed]ledger transfer

Please note XDC Network is an EVM compatible network. Ethereu...

[Closed] Issue with running XDC private network using docker

Please make sure you start the network with Local DPoS node g...

[WIP]Account not managed by node

The Error clearly shows HardhatError: HH103: Account 0x175530...

[Closed]Error Strings Support in XDC

please add the RPC manually for 0x prefix output please use e...

[Solved]How to check masternode status?

Please check out the API for the masternode app

XDC Multi-Sender: Send XDC Cryptocurrency with SmartContract to Multiple Addresses.

Please check out the detail guide

How to swap XDC with XRC20 tokens on XSwap DEX.

Please check out the detail guide to recover your tokens back...

[Closed]Lost coin recovery

If you have send your XDC tokens to ETH network. To recover y...

[Solved]Whats the maximum gas limit one can have in a transaction?

Gas limit refers to the maximum amount of gas you are willing...

[Solved]XDC-adress given from ledger & mycrypto is not valid to recive xdc-tokens from Bitfinex

Please note XDC Network has an address prefix of 0x to xdc ...

[Solved]How do i recover my xdc tokens after i transfer to wrong adress?

Please note XDC Network has an address prefix of 0x to xdc on...

[Closed]once again my xdcpay wallet is not showing the tokens!?

Please add the following RPC manually you will be able to fin...

[Solved]XinFin Web Wallet

Please make sure you are using correct mnemonic seed and pass...

[Solved]Problems sending XDC from

Please note if you are sending your XDC from XinFin Web Walle...

Oryy multisig wallet integration with XinFin

When I am trying to create a safe on Apothem network got the ...

[Closed]Can't access my XDC from MyCrypto wallet

Yes page just keeps on loading from few days but...

[Closed]pls how can I develop my project here?

Please check out the detail guide on

Is there any Archive node Endpoint for XDC Network?

Please check out the Ethereum compatible RPC endpoint erpc.xi...

[Closed]Archive Ethereum compatible RPC

For Ethereum compatible RPC please check out erpc.xinfin.netw...

[Resolved]xinfin remix not responding

Can you please try again now as it's up and working fine now ...

Debugging & Solving Hardhat Flattening Issues

Thank you soo much for the contribution !!!

(Closed)Has anyone deployed an Upgradeable Contract?

XinFin XDC Network is an EVM compatible network so you can ea...

[Closed]Not able to deploy smart contract on the Apothem network and don't know how to query it

Please note XDC Network is an EVM compatible network To cre...

[Closed]Not able to deploy smart contract on the Apothem network and don't know how to query it

Please use the following RPC while using ...

[Closed]Contract Verification Issue

Please check out the detail guide on How to verify your contr...

[Closed]Is there any swap available on testnet?

Please check out XSwap where you can...

[Closed]Verifying Contracts created via XDC Origin?

Please check out the detailed guide on How to verify your Sma...

[Solved]Debugging invalid address using ethers deploy / openzepplin

Please use the following RPC for apothem Test Network apothem...

[Solved]Debugging invalid address using ethers deploy / openzepplin

Please use the following RPC and issue will be solved erpc.xi...

[Closed]XDC Wallet to ledger S

Yes I am also facing same issue when I am trying to connect m...

[Closed]Are Nodes a thing anymore

You can setup a Backup and masternode and get 8% rewards for ...

[Closed]xdc stuck on web wallet

Please check out the detail guide

[Closed]xdc web wallet not working

Hello Please check out the detail guide to access web wallet ...

I sent xdc token from metamask to ledger nano x but it's not arrive to nanox yet, over a week now. Anyone can help please🙏

Can you please share more details about the issue which you a...

[Closed]Is XDC Network Supports Proxy Contracts ?

Yes XDC Network does support Proxy Contract and to read and w...

[Closed]Cannot Connect to Ledger Hardware Wallet (XDC Network Error)

Please change the Kucoin address prefix from xdc to 0x and it...

[Closed]Cannot Connect to Ledger Hardware Wallet (XDC Network Error)

Yes I am also facing same issue when I am trying to connect m...

[Closed]Cannot Connect to Ledger Hardware Wallet (XDC Network Error)

The error indeed appears due to an outdated version of the ap...

[Solved]How to get funds without D’CENT wallet

As Decent is a decentralised wallet you will have the mnemoni...

[Closed]Can someone help me with my wallet issues please?

Please make sure you are using the correct mnemonic phrase an...

[Closed]Blocksscan: Explorer is down?

yes there was some issue but now its up and working fine expl...

[Closed]where do i get xdc wallet tech support?

To post the issue at is a best way to get the support

[Solved]Moving XDC from Bitrue to Ledger Nano X

You will have to change the address format of ETH address fro...

[Closed]where do i get xdc wallet tech support? Please check out the ...

[Solved]Transactions are in Pending Status In Metamask,But Completed In Scan

Please change the RPC to or

Can’t send from Guarda to new Ledger “0x…” wallet

If you are sending from Bitrue to ledger the you will have to...

Can’t send from Guarda to new Ledger “0x…” wallet

Sure here is the example xdc64b3b0a417775cfb441ed064611bf79...


Please note you have created a wallet on XinFin Network with ...

How To Use Your Ledger Nano S Plus Device With The XDC Web Wallet

Its the My Ether wallet

How To Use Your Ledger Nano S Plus Device With The XDC Web Wallet

Its the My Ether wallet

Can’t send from Guarda to new Ledger “0x…” wallet

Please note XinFin XDC Network address start with xdc prefix ...

I have a problem with any one can help me?

Can you please share the issue in the detail which you are fa...

XDC Web Wallet

Please clear your cache files or try to access the web wallet...

Adding availability to obtain 10 million XDC for testing purposes (XDC node deployment)

I think 10 million Test XDC should not be given to everyone i...

JavaSDK, JS libs for contract interaction and remix questions

1) Please find the Github where you can find all the code bas...

How to migrate any Dapp from Ethereum to XDC Network using Truffle

Please make sure you are using

How to interact with smart contract through xdc network kindly suggest any documents

Please check out the detailed guide

0x(twice) Prefix Issue in Apothem Network

I think it should be XDC prefix address only as XDC Network s...


Hello Please note you can login with the same private key a...

Private Xinfin Node Not Starting Up

You can check out some of the similar issue which can help yo...

apothem faucet "Internal Server Error"

Please make sure you are using xdc prefix address to get the ...

Unable to Verify and Publish My Solidity Source Code,IT's showing like this

Please check out the article this will help you out to verify...

How do I transfer XDC to my Ledger NanoX Wallet?

Please check out the article

Unable to Verify and Publish My Solidity Source Code. IT's showing this alert

Please check out this article

NFT details (XRC721) do not appear on block explorer

Yes for apothem network you can find it at

How to add Comtech Gold CGO to XDCPay

Sure you can also store XDC and any XRC-20 tokens on metamask...

Which contract type to choose when interacting at

This is the demo contracts to interact with the contracts you...

NFT details (XRC721) do not appear on block explorer

You can check it out at wh...

Unable to call payable function from Remix, XDCPay and send funds

Can you please share your contract or the buyTokens function ...

Help, I cannot get funds from faucet

Please make sure you change the metamask address prefix from ...

apothem websocket error

Hello Hello, Please use below RPC and WS for the apothem n...

Error interacting with a XDC contract from ethers.js

You can check out some of the similar issue which has been po...

XDC Wallet and Trezor

Please check out this article


You can use this endpoint for the grap node Mainnet graph-...

apothem websocket error

Can you please try it now as i was able to connect thee apoth...

Now tracked by google for web3.0

This is really a great news
