Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: Issue with running master node on XDC private network setup

ruslan_wing profile image
ruslan wing

Please note you need to start the network with at least 3 masternode and it is required for XDPoS Consensus. So when you are calling ./Puppeth and initializing your genesis file at that time enter 3 masternode address.

raghuram profile image
Raghuram Dharanipathy

@ruslan_wing I tried with 3 masternodes, but I am getting 'Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...' INFO. Could you let me know the solution to overcome this issue.

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Thank you for reporting the issue, Hopefully the issue has been resolved.
If the issue still persists, then I would suggest you raise the same issue on XDC Dev separately with a complete description.

poonam_singh_8d4036dd4427 profile image
Poonam Singh Author

Ok thank you
i will check and update you