Blockchain Solution Architect @Plugin| www.golugin.co(A Decentralized Oracle on XDC Network) | #PluginOnXDC #XDC #PLI #ORACLEFORDAPPS #ORACLEFORDEFI #FLYOUTOFTHEBOX | www.feeds.goplugin.co
Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network
Blockchain Solution Architect @Plugin| www.golugin.co(A Decentralized Oracle on XDC Network) | #PluginOnXDC #XDC #PLI #ORACLEFORDAPPS #ORACLEFORDEFI #FLYOUTOFTHEBOX | www.feeds.goplugin.co
Recent comments
Need support to increase --rpc.txfeecap
Great, thanks.. Are these updates available in our production...
VRF Plugin Not Working: Subscription Not Created, Transaction Still Sent
Thanks for raising this issue, we will review and get back so...
Contract Deployment not working in Apothem N/w
Only this rpc is working fine : rpc.apothem.network and that ...
Possible solution for : JSON-RPC error -32603
Can you share the transaction payload?, how are you construct...
Issues with Contract Verification and Interaction on Metamask
Interesting!, that package has been helpful for quite number ...
XDC.DEV Platform Request
Good initiative!! and I think, we should continue to have xdc...
Issues with Contract Verification and Interaction on Metamask
Try this NPM package -> npmjs.com/package/react-solidity-x...
Issues with Contract Verification and Interaction on Metamask
Try this RPC's erpc.apothem.network Or publicnexus.xdcchain....