Available now!!
Github repo -> https://github.com/GoPlugin/plugin-truffle-box
"Plugin Crypto Adapter Truffle Box is a boilerplate, which allows user to bring oracle service up & running in few minutes. This template, by default pulls data from cryptocompare.com and fetch information for index pairs that you are passing from Smart Contract."
Discussion (4)
Here is an article by Lokesh on the "plugin-truffle-box". PluginNode provides a decentralized oracle on the Xinfin network. The number of Nodes is currently 1500 and is projected to grow to 2000 because the CEO has said so in the past at the AMA. I would encourage anyone interested in Node to take on the challenge. You can set up a PluginNode with the great ModularScript brought to PLI community by @inv4fee2020(Discord_id).
Node Operator & Data Feed Providers
Emergency Health Record (EHR) into our #Plugin EcoSystem
Good work guys!
Soon, this will get added into trufflesuite.com/ and the request has been sent.