Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

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Blockchain Tutorial on XDC Network using Truffle

Solidity Tutorial on XDC Network

Truffle Box for XDC Network - Powered by Plugin

This tutorial will give you a clear direction on how to write your solidity Program from Beginner to Advance Level on XDC Network. By following this truffle box for XDC, you should be able to deploy a sample contract and play with each function using simple yarn commands.

Each lessons will have sufficient comment line, and direction on how to use.

if any queries / comments, feel free to raise an issue. Note -This repository will be getting updated periodically with lessons. If you want to see any features in advance, let us know.


Discussion (1)

logeswaran profile image
Lokesh Author

Added - New Lesson today, readMapping.

It will help you to read the mapping variable using web3.

Explore now!

Happy Learning...