Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network


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XDC Private Network stuck at block 1799 with error " Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

I have deployed 3 Miner/sealer nodes and they all were synchronised and were creating new blocks until the network hit the 1799 block creation since then the network has stopped mining any further block and all 3 masternode now show the below error:

Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

All three masternodes were initialised with the genesis.json

All three nodes are hosted on separate machines with distinct IPs

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Discussion (14)

lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author

@fisher_yu @gzliudan I can confirm the PR 238 posted by Liu has resolved the "M1 not found" issue.


I have tried both, the old code and new PR, with same configuration and I always face M1 issue with old codebase however with new PR the issues seems to be resolved.

This PR is good to go and should be merged based on further security audits.

Best Regards,

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu
ivan_blocksscan profile image

Thank you for reporting issue. We are working with respective Team to fix issue.

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu
lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author

I am trying this PR now and the network is currently on 850 block, i will keep you posted if this time around i get to go past 1799 blocks in mining. thanks

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

How about your private network now ?

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lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author

This is the error i am getting now at block 450

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lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author
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lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author

the one i tried first was with 2 sealers and 1 masternode, it got stuck at about 899, i deleted and started with fresh genesis record with 1 masternode and 3 sealers and the network stoped at 450 block. see above link for the screenshot.

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gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu • Edited on

Please run 3 signers, not 2 singers in a network. The error of "Fail to connect to IPC" is caused by network problem likely. Would you please try again according to below guide and script ?

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lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author

Thanks Daniel, The network was started with 3 signer nodes. I deployed 4 separate machines for each node

Server 1 - Masternode - xdce26974f4ce341f4095427db5d9d5fb1dd07789bf
Server 2 - Signer 1 - xdcf972a155908c18fc5913af5c6bf3e047d1e98ef8
Server 3 - Signer 2 - xdc72be911ceaba0d1db05ec37f05a3bf89bd866592
Server 4 - Signer 3 - xdc0d8341deff2b85745390cec5e1bc595ac54c3a0e

Let me try with your steps today.

also, i preffer to deploy signer nodes manually rather than scripts. i dont thing that should be the issue since all 4 nodes were able to sync as soon as the network was setup.

are you on Telegram BTW, i can take this offline with you there?

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gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

You can add my telegram: gzliudan

protocol_team profile image
XDC Protocol Team

Thanks for reported. Solved:

lucksin3 profile image
lucksin3 Author

I have the servers still up, you can let me know if you need anything which can help you get more insight into the nodes.