Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Daniel Liu profile picture

Daniel Liu

Software develop engineer

Joined Joined on  github website

All 121 comments

Repeated Error When Setting Up XDC Node

We updated bootnodes for mainnet just now. Please run git pul...

Repeated Error When Setting Up XDC Node

I tested it yesterday again. It takes a few minutes to connec...

Repeated Error When Setting Up XDC Node

Here is a solution. You can setup a node based on snapshot fi...

Repeated Error When Setting Up XDC Node

We will look into this issue. Which docker image and network ...

Did the XDC network experience a reorganization at block height 82211188?

It took 23 seconds to produce the block 82211188. The normal ...

Subgraph issue with WeFi integration

For the first issue, it's the design of graph-node, but you c...

Need support to increase --rpc.txfeecap

I saw your RPCGasCap is 25M in the log file. Please increase ...

Need support to increase --rpc.txfeecap

the default value of RPCGasCap is 50M in dev-upgrade branch n...

Help Needed: Compiler Error When Uploading Multipart File on XDC Network for verification

Would you please upload your code to GitHub ?

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

How about your problem now ?

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

if [[ -d "XinFin-Node" ]]; then cd XinFin-Node git ...

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

I have no problem to pass block number 30309619. I used 3 way...

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

Let me do a full sync test. It will takes about 3 days to rea...

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

Please add flag --apothem to the file testnet/start-apothem.s...

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

Which docker image are you using ?

XDC apothem masternode setup failing

Would you please share more log before this message ?

When I download the snapshot and start the masternode it won't connect to network and download blocks

Our snapshot files for mainet: archive node: downloads.xinf...

When I download the snapshot and start the masternode it won't connect to network and download blocks

Could you please share your log file ?

Masternode Setup with Symbolic Link to chaindata?

How to reproduce your error ? May symbol link does not work i...

Masternode Setup with Symbolic Link to chaindata?

Please try below commands: cd XinFin-Node git pull cd main...

can not verify contract from xdcscan

Could you please share the screenshots step by step ?

How to deploy smart contracts using Foundry on XDC Network !

The contract can't be verified by forge until this bug is fix...

[Solved] eth_estimateGas RPC Method on Apothem with ERC20 transfer always return execution reverted error

We will solve this issue by support input field at same time.

Some function calls aren't getting executed correctly

Please set version to v0.8.23 in solidity files correctly. I ...

Some function calls aren't getting executed correctly

Could you please share your codes on GitHub ? Then I can stud...

Some function calls aren't getting executed correctly

You are using solidity v0.8.26 which is not supported by xdc ...

Error while compiling the contract file

Please solve this error first: Error: Please set XINFIN_NE...

Error while compiling the contract file

The solidity v0.8.24 is not supported yet. Please switch to v...

Issues with Contract Verification and Interaction on Metamask

What's address of your RPC server ?

[Query] Clarification on Private Key Usage in Master Node Setup

Are you using The variable ...

[WIP] Transactions Failed with the error (json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value)

This is not a new problem, it has been around for a long time.

[Suggestion] Increase the Tx Size to 128KB

We had bump the tx size to 64KB in this PR. According to the ...

[Informative] Introducing New Features in Explorer V2 - We Want Your Feedback!

How to verify contract by hardhat and blockscan?

XDC Private Network stuck at block 1799 with error " Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

[WIP] Creating transactions from xinfin sdk

Which versions of solidity are your contracts using?

[WIP] Creating transactions from xinfin sdk

Can you verify and publish the source codes of contract 0x3CB...

[WIP] Creating transactions from xinfin sdk

You can use or Pl...

[WIP] Creating transactions from xinfin sdk

Which RPC are you using?

[Query] Inquiry Regarding Xinfin Mainnet Block Time

Maybe that's when the website reads data from the XDC chain

[Query] Inquiry Regarding Xinfin Mainnet Block Time

The block time of xdc chain is 2 seconds.

[Closed] Migration on apothem testnet throwing random errors

Please create an issue on GitHub and share your codes also. T...

[Closed] Migration on apothem testnet throwing random errors

Does your codes work on other chains? If this is a problem wh...

[WIP] debug_traceBlockByNumber way too slow

I answered in GitHub:

[WIP] Hardhat deployment issue on XDC Apothem testnet

You can try again. It's normal now.

[WIP] Hardhat deployment issue on XDC Apothem testnet

Yes, please use 0x-prefix PRC node, such as: earpc.apothem...

[WIP] debug_traceBlockByNumber way too slow

GitHub is the preferred website for technical issue.

[WIP] debug_traceBlockByNumber way too slow

I understand this issue now. I will report on the progress of...

[WIP] debug_traceBlockByNumber way too slow

May I know which network and RPC are you querying? If you are...

[Solved] XDC Faucet throws - Internal Server error

please use xdc-prefix format address, do not use 0x-prefix.

[Informative] How to check latest committed block on apothem network

Is there document for all new APIs ?

[WIP] Hardhat: Upgradeable Proxy support for XDC

This problem is fixed on testnet now. The patch will be appli...

Release v2.0.0-beta1 on Testnet

also support the latest remix.

[Solved]ERROR-Masternodes lists are different in checkpoint header and snapshot number=516600 masternodes_from_checkpoint_header

Please use go v1.18, old source codes of XDPoSChain does not ...

[Solved]ERROR-Masternodes lists are different in checkpoint header and snapshot number=516600 masternodes_from_checkpoint_header

Please add a flag: --gcmode "archive" in your XDC startup com...

[Query] Testnet Bootnodes

[Solved] Facing deployment issue on Apothem XDC and Mainnet

This PR can fix your problem.

[WIP] execution timeout for debug_traceBlockByNumber

Here is the fix:

[Solved] Query about XDC Mainnet Gas Price Post-XDPoS 2.0 Upgrade

Yes, the gas price of mainnet will also be changed to 12.5 gw...

[WIP] bad block error in testnet after upgrading to v1.4.10-beta2

I also got this error. This error does not affect synchroniza...

[WIP] Testnet RPC not reliable

The mainnet has same transaction hash bug also, such as both ...

[WIP] execution timeout for debug_traceBlockByNumber

I created a issue on GitHub for this problem.

[WIP] How can I get the list of 108 masternodes using RPC call.

For the and xinfin network,...

[WIP] How can I get the list of 108 masternodes using RPC call.

I'm not sure about the time. If you are in a hurry, you can u...

[Solved] How to get the rewards received by each masternode in each epoch using RPC calls.

You can get some information from the function HookReward in ...

[Solved] How to get the rewards received by each masternode in each epoch using RPC calls.

Please use the object '.result.signers' in json. For the belo...

[WIP] How can I get the list of 108 masternodes using RPC call.

Please wait a few days until PR #294 is applied on xinfin net...

[Solved] How to get the rewards received by each masternode in each epoch using RPC calls.

Maybe the method eth_getRewardByHash can help you, eg: RPC...

[Solved] Contract not getting deployed on Apothem Testnet.

There's a same problem, the below information will help you t...

[WIP] Testnet RPC not reliable

I'll write a script to check the duplicate transaction hashes...

[WIP] Testnet RPC not reliable

I'm not sure whether the mainnet has this issue. This issue w...

[WIP] Testnet RPC not reliable

Please set ETHEREUM_REORG_THRESHOLD to 1. You can refer to gi...

[WIP] Testnet RPC not reliable

In your case, both of blocks 0x354ce39 and 0x354ce45 contain ...

[WIP] Testnet RPC not reliable

Could you please share the below files? docker-compose yam...

[Closed] Reason: missing trie Node

I guess you are using full node, and you requested too old bl...

[Informative] Exploring XDC Network Main-net and Apothem Test Network: RPC, WebSockets, and Snapshots

The below nodes seem to be xdc-prefix. Archive Node RPC wi...

[Solved] Error in Graph Node Synching

Is or

[WIP] Hardhat: Upgradeable Proxy support for XDC

Please check my reply:

[WIP] Hardhat: Upgradeable Proxy support for XDC

Would you please open an issue on

[WIP] Hardhat: Upgradeable Proxy support for XDC

I also encountered this error. I will look into it later. ...

[WIP] Hardhat: Upgradeable Proxy support for XDC

Would you please give a demo project on GitHub for test and t...

[Informative]Important links and details about XDC Network

One of can be replaced by https://...

nonce too low happens when calling debug_traceBlockByNumber API.

Both of my telegram and discord id are gzliudan. But I rarely...

nonce too low happens when calling debug_traceBlockByNumber API.

Here is the solution:

nonce too low happens when calling debug_traceBlockByNumber API.

Would you please open an issue on

Proposal: ChainIDE, a web-based developer tooling platform

Does ChainIDE support XDC blockchain now ? If you need techno...

How to export private key from keystore

If you created an account with command XDC account new and yo...

XDC Private Network stuck at block 1799 with error " Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

You can add my telegram: gzliudan

XDC Private Network stuck at block 1799 with error " Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

Please run 3 signers, not 2 singers in a network. The error o...

XDC Private Network stuck at block 1799 with error " Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

How about your private network now ?

Hosting XDC Private Network Problems

You can refer to my documents: the setup guide the .env fil...

[Solved]Smart contract Verify&Publish errored out in Apothem explorer

Please update solidity compiler to v0.4.26, then try again.

[Solved]Smart contract Verify&Publish errored out in Apothem explorer

I deployed your contract with hardhat, and fail to verify it ...

[Solved]Smart contract Verify&Publish errored out in Apothem explorer

Please set Optimization to No, then try again.

Setting Up Private Blockchain Network

You can try this PR:

[WIP]XDC private blockchain Fail to create tx sign for signer error

You can try this PR:

XDC Private Network stuck at block 1799 with error " Failed to prepare header for new block err="list M1 not found "

You can try this PR:

graph-node v0.29.0 for xdc is released

Support docker compose now:

Graphnode Xinfin Compatibility Project (Done)

Support docker now:

BlocksScan Needs Your Suggestion.

Need API which is compatible with EtherScan protocol

(Closed)Contract not working

This depends your business requirements. Maybe WXDC is more c...

(Closed)Contract not working

I use with RPC https://erpc.apoth...

(Closed)Contract not working

I use remix deploy contract, and call function disperseXdc.

(Closed)Contract not working

Should add function receive() into contract, so contract can ...

(Closed)Contract not working

I add a function receive() external payable {} in contract Hu...

(Closed)Contract not working

The format of ["1000000000000000000","1000000000000000000"] s...

Graphnode Xinfin Compatibility Project (Done)

The name should be expensive-queries-filename, not expensive-...

Integration Request

The latest version is here:

xdc dosent suport eth_call with specific blockhash

The latest version is here:

Block Not Found Error on Subgraph

The latest version is here:

How do i implement a subgraph?

The latest version is here:


The latest version is here:

Graphnode Xinfin Compatibility Project (Done)

The latest version is here:

Unable to Sync Testnet Nodes

There are a lot of permission errors in your log. Please noti...

is Truffle support XDC ?

We can use and now. ...

is Truffle support XDC ?

I found the reason why I deployed contracts with hardhat and ...

is Truffle support XDC ?

In fact, I deployed contracts to XDC chain by truffle and har...
