Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

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All 22 comments

Ledger Live Support

Hello @coupeborgward The XDC Beta Wallet at betawallet.xinf...

[WIP]Can't connect explorer to Web3

Hello @0xrla Please follow the steps below to connect the E...

[Solved] Betawallet.xinfin network recent maintainance update a day ago are giving me issues now.

Hello @philoanvu, I just checked, and it seems to be loading...

[WIP] Need XDC Wallet Help!

Hey @jordan_e_7f91aca3c4fc7556 , Please ensure that you are ...

[Issue] blank screen xdcpay

Hey @hamed_fahimi_05d0e26d7228 As Mohit suggested, please cl...

[Solved] 404 when try to use read contract on apothem BlockScan

Hello @dzariusz Kindly check with "xdc" prefix, it's workin...

[Closed] cannot import my wallet. Is there something wrong with the XDCPay wallet?

Hello Sumer, If you are facing issue with XDCPay, you can al...

[WIP]Unable to access Account on Web Wallet

Hello, You can view your address here, and it's loading comp...

[Solved] XDC Faucet throws - Internal Server error

Hi @psyto, Could you please give it another try? I have trie...

[Solved] How Do I Get an RPC URL for My Subnet?

Hello @gaslimit Noted your query! I am forwarding this quer...

[Closed]Cannot access wallet after entering correct mnemonic and pw

Hey @kickvella, Please try once with Beta XDC Web Wallet Re...

[Closed]Connection not open on send()"

Hello @truth_betoldministries_ Please check now, I am able ...

Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability: Efficient Gas Management and the EIP 1559 Proposal for XDC Network


BlocksScan Needs Your Suggestion.

Congratulations and Thanks for all the contributions towards ...

[Closed]XDCPay Address Selection Issue: Selected address from the dropdown option is Invalid

Thanks, I have generated the same issue on GitHub.

XDC.Dev requires your contribution! ! !

Great idea! My vote = YES

XDC Community requires your support!

Vote = YES

Which contract type to choose when interacting at

ABI's are different for different contracts. ABI gets generat...

Which contract type to choose when interacting at

While Interacting with contract, instead of selecting anythin...

How to register a document on the Xdc network, with a digital signature certificate?

You can use LawBlocks Once its live within next few weeks, yo...

Does any of Xinfin's wallets allow the signing of messages?

Yes. A newer version of the XDC Apothem web wallet provides ...
