Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Mattias Widell
Mattias Widell

Posted on • Updated on

[Solved]XDC-adress given from ledger & mycrypto is not valid to recive xdc-tokens from Bitfinex

Hello :-)

Im new at this but im trying to transfer xdc tokens to my ledger x and im doing so through but the thing is when i paste the adress given from ledger and mycrypto in to Bitfinex it says thats not a valid adress.

My adress starts like this 0xf57d4.... but if i change the first two tokens in the adress, the 0x to xdc it becomes an valid adress for Bitfinex to transfer the xdc tokens to.

But if i change the beginning of the adress does it still reach my wallet?

And if not what schould i do instead tho the adresse given wich starts with 0x not is valid for xdc tokens from Bitfinex?

Thank you for helping med please. :-)

Discussion (11)

ruslan_wing profile image
ruslan wing

Please note XDC Network has an address prefix of 0x to xdc
if your address on the XDC Network is xdcE859abbcE60aFa0b71F615c3DE0A361d867a2CDb and the EVM compatible address will be 0xE859abbcE60aFa0b71F615c3DE0A361d867a2CDb So both the address are correct and just have an address prefix from 0x to xdc

mattias_widell_ea0e0d9ae1 profile image
Mattias Widell Author

Thanx :-)

So ewen if i change from 0x to xdc its still the same adress?

Meaning that even if i change from 0x to xdc it will reach my wallet when transfered from Bitfinex?

Here is my wallet and the wallet finds no xdc tokens and i belived its becouse i change the adress from 0x to xdc so that the tokens reached another wallet but you think it should reach my wallet ewen with the changed prefix?

rdrisk55 profile image
Rob Driskell

Did you get this sorted out...? I have the same problem. Changed the 0x to xdc and successfully sent it to the xdc network, but cannot view it in mycrypto or ledger. Please let me know if you got this resolved.

terry_ingram_bf34c0fc58d3 profile image
Terry Ingram

I too have the same problem - anyone have the answer yet?

xxxxx_xdc profile image

Both 0x or xdc prefixes are fine.
It doesn't matter because it's an evm-compatible network.

mattias_widell_ea0e0d9ae1 profile image
Mattias Widell Author

This is my adress that is invalid for transfer xdc tokens from Bitfinex:


When i changed the prfix to xdcf57d47cb32F32FB0E2463af40B8EB023a24d9bDE
it became an valid adress to transfer to but now i cant exes the tokens couse my adress is 0xf57d47cb32F32FB0E2463af40B8EB023a24d9bDE

I was stupid that thought it would end up in the my wallet at even though i changed the prefix :-/

mattias_widell_ea0e0d9ae1 profile image
Mattias Widell Author • Edited on

I can se my transfered tokens but i cant acces them becouse i changed the prefix from 0x to xdc but with 0x as prefix the adress was invalid to transfer to from Bitfinex.

Thought it would end up in my wallet anyway but it dident :-P

chris_temple_50a828316252 profile image
Chris Temple

I recently purchased XDC on KuCoin and transferred it to my ledger but sent it to the XDC network rather then erc-20(as KuCoin and ledger do not have the XDC network as an option, my fault I know, this was the first time traveling ERC tolkens) I have all the routing numbers, and tags. Is it possible to retrieve my coins off the XDC network and get the coins back or sent back to the ledger?

xxxxx_xdc profile image

There is no problem with Ethereum-based wallets because they display addresses with 0x prefixes.

mattias_widell_ea0e0d9ae1 profile image
Mattias Widell Author

Problem SOLVED thanks to you guys and especially Mohit who recomended ttying to reached my tokens through the interface MEW and it worked there i found them so thanks to you all for the help! :-D <3

terry_ingram_bf34c0fc58d3 profile image
Terry Ingram

Happy you have it sorted now. Can you please share more detail on how this was done? I tried MEW but still can't see my XDC tokens sent to my Ledger Add but with the xdc prefix (can see on the Txn Hash scanner).