Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Lance Lilly
Lance Lilly

Posted on

Build it on XDC Twitter Space

I would like to invite the XDC.DEV community to join the Build it on XDC Twitter Space tomorrow. The event will be hosted by XDC Foundation with Arturo Cantera, Quincy Jones, and Johnny Garcia leading the discussion. The developer community is encouraged to join the discussion, ask questions, or even answer questions that may arise during the event. This is an opportunity for developers of any experience level to openly discuss their experience building on the network, and community members to learn more about the builders behind the network.

Set your reminder and join with the link below.

Time: Thursday 04 August, 2022 @1PM EDT
Build it on XDC

Discussion (4)

akhekade profile image
Atul Khekade • Edited on

Can we get a link of this space?

Got it. Same link

lance profile image
Lance Lilly Author

Here is a link to the recording.

akhekade profile image
Atul Khekade

Great participants!

lance profile image
Lance Lilly Author

If anyone missed the Twitter Space you can listen to the recording