Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network


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How to verify XRC20 Smart Contracts on BlocksScan?

Follow the 2 simple steps to verify all your XinFin XDC Network’s XRC20 Smart contract.

BlocksScan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for XDC and ETH, decentralized smart contracts platforms. Currently, BlocksScan supports two explorers.

XinFin XDC Network and another one is Ethereum Explorer.

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The adoption of XRC20 is growing rapidly in the last few months. Let’s take a look at how to verify XRC20 Smart Contract on BlocksScan’s XDC Network Explorer.

There are 2 Explorers for XDC Network, one for testnet namely Apothem and mainnet XDC Network.

For Apothem network visit:

XDC Network — BlocksScan Explorer:

For Mainnet visit:

XDC Network — BlocksScan Explorer:

You can check the Deployed Tokens on XDC Network by visiting the XRC20 Tokens under the Tokens tab.

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Follow the steps to verify your smart contract using BlocksScan explorer:

Step 1: Paste your deployed Contract Address on the explorer’s search bar, you will find the text “Are you the contract creator? Verify And Publish your contract source code today!”

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Click on the “Verify And Publish” link. You will be automatically redirected to the Contract verification page with your Contract address.

Contract Verification form looks like:

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Step 2: Enter the Contract Name, select the Compiler Version that you are having in your contract on the Verify Contract Page.

Also, make sure to check “optimization” to yes if you selected optimization at the time of deployment. Otherwise, select the “No” option.

Click on the Submit button, Once all the details are confirmed.

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Now visit the Code tab to confirm that your Contract has been Verified successfully.

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This is how anyone can Verify their own smart contract deployed on XDC Network!

For any queries, follow BlocksScan - Social channels:


Discussion (2)

dzariusz profile image

I have similar problem as in this post I deployed 4 contracts, was able to verify just one. On others contracts block scanner just "thinking" forever. No errors, no results. Any idea?

dzariusz profile image

main problem is that the verification form has only one option to choose "Standard JSON format", but what you actually need to paste in following form is raw solidity code.