Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Haedarah Ali
Haedarah Ali

Posted on • Updated on

Some function calls aren't getting executed correctly


I have deployed and verified 3 contracts on xdc apothem testnet. The contracts are: an implementation contract, a proxy that points to the above implementation initially, and a Factory that is responsible for creating instances of the implementation.

The implementation contract is an ERC-20 contract with custom logic.
In the factory contract, there is an ownable function create(address,uint8,string,string). Once called, it should deploy an instance of the implementation, and return the address of that newly-created contract.

When I am trying to call create(address,uint8,string,string) from the Factory, I am getting an error which implies that the uint8 value that is getting passed as an argument, is being read as a value of the transaction, as shown in the below snapshots.

What could be the reason of this? Thanks for your time!

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Discussion (8)

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu • Edited on

You are using solidity v0.8.26 which is not supported by xdc chain at current time. Please use v0.8.23 instead, and feel free to call me if you still face problem.

haedarah_ali profile image
Haedarah Ali Author • Edited on

Thanks for the reply.
I tried to adjust the compiler version, but the contract isn't getting verified on the new settings.

Settings on Remix:
The deployed code
Initiating the verification:
Specifying the exact same settings in order to verify:
Pasting the flattened code:

Still, the contract isn't getting verified :((
What can I do better?

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

Could you please share your codes on GitHub ? Then I can study your issue.

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haedarah_ali profile image
Haedarah Ali Author
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gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu • Edited on

Please set version to v0.8.23 in solidity files correctly. I found you are still using higher versions, such as:

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
pragma solidity ^0.8.26;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Please change them to:

pragma solidity 0.8.23;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then compile and deploy your contracts again.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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haedarah_ali profile image
Haedarah Ali Author

I have added a directory that includes the codes that I am actually deploying and using for verification:
( )

I shared the separated codes earlier because it is easier to deal with them.

haedarah_ali profile image
Haedarah Ali Author


  • Been able deploy and verify contracts via hardhat (been using Foundry before, and there were some problems regarding gas estimation and verification).
  • Used as the explorer API for Apothem testnet. (Found it in this article)