Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Fernando Jara
Fernando Jara

Posted on

No address

Hello, since they updated the XDC Wallet page I think I have lost the tokens I had. Before they updated the page (, I started the account with the Mnemonic Phrase and password, I had the tokens. How could I solve it?

Discussion (6)

sean_ profile image

Did you enter your password as an extra word?

fernando_jara_eeb226ede90 profile image
Fernando Jara Author

I need to know if they are solving it please!

fernando_jara_eeb226ede90 profile image
Fernando Jara Author


fernando_jara_eeb226ede90 profile image
Fernando Jara Author

Hi Sean, yes I did, but it didn't work. The words are 100% correct and so is the password. On the previous page it works correctly.

michal_kuciak_0a5ad66afdf profile image
Michal Kuciak

U meenDog Hord yA Fuckinf Bord told to Hop TipTop Magic Pot on ya Młot I Kot meow ;™§}

michal_kuciak_0a5ad66afdf profile image
Michal Kuciak

Siada To Twoja stara bara I Suko Do Pana Nananan St Dawid.... (Garda Garda Garda bulp ya Garda ;(