What is XDC ZERO ?
Achieve unparalleled blockchain interoperability with XDC ZERO, ensuring frictionless data transmission and rigorous validation across a multitude of chains.
What's xdc zero for
- verifiable generic message passing between networks
- building block of inter-chain token transfer
Key Components
- Light client-based verifier(CSC):verify TXs against the checkpointed headers
- Endpoint:on-chain message reception and dispatch (to Dapp)
- Relayer:cross-chain massage passer
- Frontend:configuration management
Future : build anything cross-chain application base on xdc zero
For example: build bridge for token transfer from different chains
Demo for xdc zero
The current demo supports sending messages from subnet to devnet
if you want try , the step one switch to subnet ,then call devnet contract with address and input data
Tips : this is very new and under development ,please wait some more time for it to be perfected
Demo video
Discussion (3)
Can someone simply send a message to another EVM chain through this dapp?
now support xdc subnet to xdc devnet
Okay. Thanks for the quick response.