Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network


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Repeated Error When Setting Up XDC Node

I am attempting to set up an XDC node on a server that was hard reset, but I keep encountering the following error repeatedly. Despite trying various solutions, the issue remains unresolved. I have tested this on two servers, and the result was the same. Additionally, it seems that others are experiencing the same error. I would like the XDC team to look into this issue.

ERROR[01-14|03:10:09] Failed to retrieve block author          err="recovery failed"                                                                number=0 hash=4a9d74…42d6b1
ERROR[01-14|03:10:24] Failed to retrieve block author          err="recovery failed"                                                                number=0 hash=4a9d74…42d6b1
WARN [01-14|03:10:44] Full stats report failed                 err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-14|03:10:44] Failed to retrieve stats server message  err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-14|03:10:54] Stats server unreachable                 err="dial tcp i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:11:10] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:11:30] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
ERROR[01-14|03:11:49] Failed to retrieve block author          err="recovery failed"                                                                number=0 hash=4a9d74…42d6b1
WARN [01-14|03:12:09] Full stats report failed                 err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-14|03:12:09] Failed to retrieve stats server message  err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-14|03:12:19] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
ERROR[01-14|03:12:41] Failed to retrieve block author          err="recovery failed"                                                                number=0 hash=4a9d74…42d6b1
WARN [01-14|03:13:01] Full stats report failed                 err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-14|03:13:01] Failed to retrieve stats server message  err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-14|03:13:11] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:13:31] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:13:51] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:14:11] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:14:31] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:14:51] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:15:11] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:15:31] Stats server unreachable                 err="dial tcp i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:15:50] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:16:10] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:16:27] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:16:47] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
WARN [01-14|03:17:07] Stats server unreachable                 err="read tcp> i/o timeout"
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Discussion (8)

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu • Edited on

We will look into this issue. Which docker image and network are you using ?

11ppm profile image
11ppm Author

I'm using the docker image xinfinorg/xdposchain:v2.4.0 and the network is Mainnet (mainnet_xinfinnetwork_1).

Doraemon@XDC:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                 CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                                                               NAMES
6a68b6f81ad5   xinfinorg/xdposchain:v2.4.0   "bash /work/"   15 minutes ago   Up 15 minutes   8555/tcp,>30303/tcp, :::30303->30303/tcp,>8545/tcp, [::]:8989->8545/tcp,>8546/tcp, [::]:8888->8546/tcp   mainnet_xinfinnetwork_1
Doraemon@XDC:~$ docker logs -f mainnet_xinfinnetwork_1
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gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu • Edited on

Here is a solution. You can setup a node based on snapshot file, then sync it with mainnet. The snapshot links:

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11ppm profile image
11ppm Author

Thank you for your reply. I have already tried using snapshots several times. However, the number of peers did not increase, so I decided to start from scratch. Even then, the peers did not increase. Today, I performed a hard reset again and started using the snapshot. I will monitor the situation for 24 hours to see if the number of peers increases.

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gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu • Edited on

I tested it yesterday again. It takes a few minutes to connect other nodes, then sync with mainnet.

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gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

We updated bootnodes for mainnet just now. Please run git pull to update, and sync from genesis or snapshot file. BTW: the snapshot file is no longer needed now.

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11ppm profile image
11ppm Author

I have updated the bootnodes.list. Although there are only 1-2 peers, the synchronization has been successfully completed. Thank you very much.

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