Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cover image for [HackVerse] SaaS based Lending Platform on XDC network
bhumishaa R.S.
bhumishaa R.S.

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[HackVerse] SaaS based Lending Platform on XDC network

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Discussion (2)

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Dear team, it would be greatly appreciated if you could edit your post to ensure it follows the following format:

Please share your project details on to allow the XDC community to review your project.

Project Name:
The problem your project addresses:
Challenges encountered:
Tech Stack:
GitHub URL:
Video Demo:
Team Profile:
XDC Wallet Address:

After submitting, please share it on Twitter and tag @XinFin_Official and hashtags #XDC, #XDCNetwork, and #BuildOnXDC along with the URL of your post on