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[Informative] Swapping USDC Across Blockchains Using XDC Bridge


Swapping USDC between different blockchains can be a complex task, but with the right tools and guidance, it can be made seamless and efficient. This guide will walk you through the process of transferring USDC from the Arbitrum Sepolia blockchain to the XDC Apothem blockchain using the XDC Bridge and Circle APIs. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and secure transfer of your digital assets.

Circle’s Guideline to Create a Bridge

Circle has developed a comprehensive guideline to facilitate the creation of a bridge for USDC across different blockchains. This guide provides detailed instructions on the bridged USDC standard, which ensures that USDC can be securely and efficiently transferred between Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible blockchains.

The guideline covers essential topics such as the architecture of the bridged USDC, the technical standards involved, and the steps required to implement the bridge. For more detailed information, you can access Circle’s guideline on creating a bridge for USDC here: Circle Bridged USDC Standard.


  • MetaMask Wallet: Ensure you have MetaMask installed and set up.
  • Test Funds: Obtain test USDC funds from Circle’s Faucet.
  • Access to XDC Bridge: Visit the XDC Bridge platform.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the XDC Bridge Platform

  • Open your browser and navigate to XDC Bridge.
  • Connect your MetaMask wallet to the XDC Bridge platform.

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Step 2: Obtain Test Funds

  • Visit Circle’s Faucet at Circle Faucet.
  • Request test funds for Arbitrum Sepolia/Ethereum Sepolia to use in the swap process.

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Step 3: Configure Swap Details

  • On the XDC Bridge platform, select the source blockchain (Arbitrum Sepolia) and the target blockchain (XDC Apothem).
  • Enter the amount of USDC you wish to swap.

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Step 4: Enter Receiver Address

  • Provide the recipient address on the XDC Apothem blockchain where the USDC should be transferred. Image description

Step 5: Approve the Transaction

  • Click on the “Approve” button.
  • MetaMask will prompt you with a confirmation screen. Click “Next” and then “Approve” to authorize the transaction. Image description

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Step 6: Submit the Swap

  • After receiving the “Approve Success” popup, click on the “Submit” button to initiate the swap.
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  • Check the details displayed on the MetaMask confirmation screen and click “Confirm.”
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Step 7: Verify the Transaction

  • Once the swap is complete, a success popup will appear.
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  • You can view the transaction history by clicking on the “History” tab on the XDC Bridge platform.
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Important Notes

  • Sandbox Environment: Do NOT send real/live USDC to addresses generated in the sandbox environment, as your funds might be permanently lost.
  • Automation: The process is fully automated and involves no human intervention, making it secure and efficient.

Additional Information

For more details about Circle and their services, refer to the official Circle website.

To learn more about the XDC Network and its capabilities, visit the official XDC Network website.


Swapping USDC across different blockchains can be done effortlessly with the XDC Bridge and Circle APIs. By following this guide, you can ensure a smooth and secure transfer of your digital assets. Always remember to verify the environment you are operating in to avoid any loss of funds. Happy swapping!

Discussion (3)

seonghyuk_jeon_eb65a44a9a profile image
seonghyuk Jeon

If the XDC network supports native USDC, CCIP enables native crosschain between all chains with native USDC support, is there a reason why bridges are needed separately?
Is it synthetic USDC?

belle profile image

Pls check this document and go to the bottom, for more information section to learn about the bridged USDC standard.

sean_ profile image

USDC on #XDCNetwork will be a huge boost to the entire #ecosystem of #DEFI #RWA and other #dApps on XDC Network. Can't wait for it to go live on mainnet.