Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cover image for [Hackathon] Memories Unlocked: A Time Capsule Journey on the XDC Network
Varshith Puligadda
Varshith Puligadda

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[Hackathon] Memories Unlocked: A Time Capsule Journey on the XDC Network

"Memories Unlocked: A Time Capsule Journey on the XDC Network" encapsulates the essence of cherished moments in a digital age. This innovative application redefines the preservation and sharing of memories, leveraging blockchain technology and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the robust infrastructure of the XDC Network. With "Memories Unlocked," users embark on a transformative journey through time, securely preserving their most treasured memories for generations to come.

Tech Stack:

Blockchain Infrastructure: XDC Network
Smart Contract Development: Solidity
Frontend Development: React.js
Blockchain Interaction: ethers.js
Tokenization: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Development & Deployment: Hardhat


The implementation of "Memories Unlocked" begins with the development of smart contracts using Solidity. These contracts govern the creation, tokenization, and unlocking of time capsules on the XDC Network. Each time capsule is tokenized as a unique NFT, ensuring ownership, provenance, and secure storage of memories.

The frontend interface is built using React.js, providing users with a seamless and intuitive experience for interacting with the application. Through the frontend, users can create personalized time capsules, upload various media types, set unlock dates, and manage their digital assets stored on the blockchain.

Blockchain interaction is facilitated using ethers.js, enabling seamless communication between the frontend interface and smart contracts deployed on the XDC Network. This integration ensures secure and transparent transactions, preserving the integrity of memories stored within the time capsules.


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