Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cover image for Developer's Workshop: Functional NFT use cases

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Developer's Workshop: Functional NFT use cases

When people hear NFT, the first thought is an image of an Ape or another digital image. Come explore functional NFT use cases in different applications such as tokenizing dApps, accounting, and various forms of access control built on XDC.

XDC Foundation developer Quincy Jones @quincyj built an example application using a lemonade stand to highlight these different NFT use cases. He will discuss the development environment and token standards used, do an in depth code review of the smart contracts, and end with Q&A.

Please join the event:

🗓️ Tuesday, December 20, 2022
🕐 2PM EST (19:00 UTC)
🌐 Entre Event Link

Previous Developer Workshops:

There have been 2 previous workshops: Integrating XDCPay into a front-end app and then an intro into the development of a dApp with DeFi Staking functionality.

Workshop 1:
Workshop 2:

Technical Resources:

Dev Portal:
Dev Tutorials:
Dev Tools:

Discussion (2)

techtalkzach profile image

Looking forward to this one!

tpada13 profile image
Jonathan Author • Edited on

I hope your hackathon entry goes well.

If you're interested in being part of a workshop, please let me know.