- Network: XDC Apothem (Testnet)
- Contract Type: ERC721
- Deployment Method: Proxy pattern for contract creation
Issue Description
We're encountering a gas fee error when attempting to create ERC721 contracts through our proxy system. The error occurs specifically during the createCollection function execution.
Current Behavior
ERC20 contract creation works successfully
ERC721 contract creation fails with the following error:
Failed to send transaction: failed to send transaction: tx fee (7.62 ether) exceeds the configured cap (1 NB ether)
Technical Details
The error occurs in the contract method handler, suggesting that the gas estimation for ERC721 contract creation is significantly higher than expected. This appears to be specific to ERC721 implementations, as ERC20 deployments work without issues.
Steps to Reproduce
- Deploy proxy contract
- Call createCollection function with parameters for ERC721 contract creation
- Transaction fails at execution with gas fee error
What We've Tried
- Verified contract compilation settings
- Confirmed proxy contract implementation
- Tested successful ERC20 deployments through the same system
Any insights or recommendations from the community would be greatly appreciated. We're particularly interested in hearing from others who have successfully implemented ERC721 contract creation through proxy patterns on XDC.
Note: This is being tested on the Apothem testnet as part of our integration process.
Discussion (1)
Hi @nogcrypto ,
We have noted the issue you are experiencing and are currently reproducing and investigating the error. We will respond to you as soon as possible.