Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

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Developer Workshop 3: Functional NFT use cases

There have been two great developer workshops hosted by Phillipe Menezes @menezesphill who brought us through integrating XDCPay into a front-end app and then an intro into the development of a dApp with DeFi Staking functionality.

Workshop 1:
Workshop 2:

Workshop 3:

This next workshop will be with XDC Foundation developer Quincy Jones @quincyj who will dive into functional NFT use cases in different applications such as tokenizing dApps, accounting, and various forms of access control.

Quincy is a prominent developer in the XDC ecosystem and has contributed to several projects, submitted an XIP idea for a new smart contract standard, written many articles on NFT use cases, and he has had many live discussions and examples on his YouTube channel. It's great to have Quincy building out these NFT concepts live. Please join!

Event Details

🗓️ Tuesday, November 22
🕐 12pm EST (5pm UTC)

We are sorry to announce this workshop will need to be postponed to a future date. Details for the rescheduled workshop will be posted as soon as they're available. We apologize for any inconvenience & thank the community for their support. 🙏

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