Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: XDC Community requires your support!

tpada13 profile image
Jonathan Author

Unfortunately it is not restricted - votes could be made twice.
This way we see one person's comments = one vote.

supersnips profile image

I just tried and it doesnt work. I get the message that I voted already.

besides that this could be a barrier for voting. I know many Community members from Asia/EU which follow this forum but are not registered. Regularly getting comments on Telegram. Only a part of them will register to vote.

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walterblueu profile image
Jon McBee

Changing the voting mechanism doesn't have anything to do with liking or disliking the results. The problem with survey monkey is that the same person can vote from the same IP address with different devices, or different browsers, or different accounts within the same browser. Moving votes to the comments section, while tedious and manual, provides much better transparency in how votes are cast and counted.

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tpada13 profile image
Jonathan Author

@supersnips - evaluating IP addresses, there were 5 individuals who had multiple votes. 4 people voted x2 times,, 1 voted x17 times. This is over half the votes being gamed.

We are sorry for changing the voting mechanism, but the voting on
method provides the lowest barrier to entry where someone can't vote twice or 17 times in a row. If people are interested in casting a vote, they should be ok with signing up for an account.

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supersnips profile image

If that is the case it is fine by me. Lets keep it manual vote in here. I still haven't decided if to Vote yes or No and would like to hear some more community input.

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troyswood profile image
Troy S. Wood

Hey Snips, I voted earlier today on my tablet, then later today on my computer went to check the results and it let me vote again. It was not a safe and secure voting mechanism. We need high-visuality and accountability for this highly important community proposal.