Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Sadam Beka
Sadam Beka

Posted on


Can someone help me? My xdc are missing, I can't find them on the softwere wallet 0x3a815C65bbECa5C13b5F64037680Ac74De6848FC

Discussion (2)

sean_ profile image

I can confirm that your funds are visible in the wallet address on .

The issue you're experiencing might be related to accessing your wallet using mnemonic phrases and password combination.

In the recent wallet upgrade, there's been some confusion about where to enter the password. Many users skip the password section, which results in different wallet addresses showing up and causing confusion. Ensure you enter your password in the "Extra word" section below the mnemonic phrases section.

Additionally, make sure you're entering the exact password you used when creating the wallet. Even a minor difference in a letter, number, or character can prevent access. Always double-check your password to avoid any issues.

sadam_beka_f18416ce570750 profile image
Sadam Beka Author

Ich habe diese Soft wallet vor ein jahr angelegt , habe sie getestet und alles hatte funktioniert , jetzt wo ich micht einlogge ist die adresse nicht mehr zu finden , bitte können sie mir helfen ?