Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

latrall mangum
latrall mangum

Posted on

Wallet not working

Why can't I access my wallet and when I look it up it have a zero balance. I just accessed my account and made a transaction now I can't get in. What gives

Discussion (4)

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hello @latrall_mangum_aeb40a405f
We hope that the above issue is resolved, if the issue still persists then please let us know about it so that the team can resolve it on priority. It will be grateful to get an update within 72 hours or else it will be considered resolved.
Thank You.

sean_ profile image
Sean • Edited on

Are you using XDC Web wallet? If yes, did you enter your password as an extra word below the Mnemonics phrases section?