Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

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Ronald Mitchell

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All 23 comments

Important Security Alert To All XDC Projects

Thank you for the update and notifying the community at large...

[Informative]Unlocking the Power of XDC Trading with TradingBotX: A Step-by-Step Setup Guide for Your Market-Making Bot

This is great and could bring much trading volume to XDC via ...

[Proposal] First DeSci Project on XDC Network: MVP and Pilot Successfully Completed

I really love what you have here. I'm not a fan of BIG Pharm...

Proposal | Valid Community MasterNode Staking Solution

YES! Adding liquid staking to the XDC Network is a step in ...

[Informative]Community Support Bounty Rules and Application Form

It's a Great Start! Distinguished group of folks selected fo...

Proposal to Streamline and Further Decentralize the Incentive Structure of the Network

Dust, if I read this correctly, the Eco Dev Fund is not part ...

Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability: Efficient Gas Management and the EIP 1559 Proposal for XDC Network

yes Option 2

Starting TradeFinex Live Pilot Transactions

Its been a long time coming. So very excited to see TradeFin...

Empowering Today’s Healthcare Via Robust and Blockchain-Backed Digital Health Platforms: the Plugin -Awatarpay partnership

SUVIK Technologies LLC and GoPlugIn (PLI) continue to make mo...

DaoFin Draft: Decentralizing XDC’s Ecosystem Development

Very well thought out to include various levels of participan...

Update on release of XDCPay 2.0 by BlocksScan

Please tweet to everyone that they need private keys for ever...


Sounds very Sexy! A #DeFi in which this Community has yet to...

XDC STAKING by Prime Numbers

Always amazing and ground breaking NFT News from you ARTURO! ...

BlocksScan Needs Your Suggestion.

Congratulations on a solid year of contributions! Thank you! ...

User Experience is the Key to success - Ticketing Dashboard is Available for your review

Great work Team! You guys are #BUILDING

XDC Network Listing @

Vote NO! Integration fee too high. We are on top level ex...

XDC.Dev requires your contribution! ! !

Vote: Yes

Proposal for Interface Query Standard XIP

Vote: YES

Proposal | US+ Stablecoin


PROPOSAL: Collaboration to create a new Global Reserve Asset On The XinFin / XDC Network governed by a DAO

Vote: NO So a company can "buy a carbon credit" but stil...

A Central HUB for the XDC Community!

Vote Yes! Would love to see Everything XDC in one place! I...

Increasing the Security and Decreasing the Supply of XDC

Yes! I would lean towards 20x increase however also have a ...

XDC.Dev requires your contribution! ! !

Who manages currently ? With a Team as suggested b...
