Go to "https://www.myetherwallet.com/wallet/access" Scroll down to Hardware Wallets
Select Ledger
Connecting to XDC Network + make sure next dropdown also you selcect XDC Network
Then Connect your Ledger Hardware Wallet and Run XDC App from the Ledger Hardware Wallet and then Click "Connect Via USB"
Then you'll be able to change the Network to XDC in the drop down.
By default all will be in ETH Network scroll bit down and change the Network to 'XDC Network' in the drop down.
Select the address you wanna send or recive, Tick Accept Terms and Accsess Wallet ( if you are sending XDC to your wallet first time every Wallet address will show 0 )
There will be a new Account in your MEW Wallet where you can directly send your XDC to the public ID or simply scanning that QR. Always test the wallet address before transfering huge amounts
Discussion (6)
It will be available soon on XDC Web Wallet, Stay tuned...!
You can also use the Metamask extension, You need to add XDC Network in Metamask.
Find below details to add XDC Network (Mainnet):
Network Name: XDC Network
RPC: eRPC.BlocksScan.io
Chain Id: 50
URL: xdc.blocksscan.io
For Testnet:
Network Name: Apothem Network
RPC: rpc.apothem.network
Chain Id: 51
URL: apothem.blocksscan.io
I sent xdc token to ledger nano x from metamask. I can't find my xdc token on ledger nano x, it seems like lost. What should i do?
Someone can help please.
It's not on your Nano X - none of your assets really is! The Nano X just holds your privat keys!
What you most likely mean is, that you can't see your assets on Ledger Live, and you're right about that - as XDC is not (yet) supported by Ledger Live.
Your assets are not lost though. You just have to manage them from a 3rd party application - like for instance app.mycrypto.com/ , myetherwallet.com or an other likewise app.
Open the chosen app and log in with your Ledger Nano X - and your assets will be there for you to see and manage.
(If they are not there, you have sent the assets to a wrong address, and they are indeed lost.)
why is this not working on the normal XDC web wallet website? This looks a little shady and i dont read a lot very good opinions about MEW
Thank you for reporting the issue, Hopefully the issue has been resolved.
If the issue is still persist, then I would suggest you to raise the same issue on XDC Dev separately with complete description.
I sent xdc token to ledger nano x from metamask. I can't find my xdc token on ledger nano x, it seems like lost. What should i do?
Someone can help please