Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cover image for [Hackverse] kyc3-sdk
Mani Kandan
Mani Kandan

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[Hackverse] kyc3-sdk

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Image descriptionKYC3-SDK offers seamless integration with both the Polygon and XDC networks, providing developers with versatile tools for implementing KYC verification processes and NFT minting functionalities. Leveraging the scalability and low transaction costs of the Polygon chain, KYC3-SDK simplifies KYC procedures within decentralized applications (dApps) while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Meanwhile, for minting NFTs, KYC3-SDK seamlessly interacts with the XDC network, harnessing its robust infrastructure to authenticate and verify user identities. This dual integration enhances the flexibility and utility of KYC3-SDK, enabling developers to build innovative blockchain applications that leverage the strengths of both Polygon and XDC networks.

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