Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Tarun Sharma
Tarun Sharma

Posted on

[Solved] Error in Graph Node Synching


We are using sub graph to index our data in apothem network. The archive node we are using is "".

It was working fine until now but recently we started getting below error which resulted data stopped syncing:

Sep 26 17:42:06.874 WARN Trying again after eth_call RPC call for block #54238556 (ca0d86e292a949b8374db126f9f578a7ecd466e5be859a592b9cd0d3d685abb3) failed (attempt #10) with result Err(Web3Error(Rpc(Error { code: ServerError(-32000), message: "missing trie Node f9b90ad5ccc1248374b93c959333d0f4a9f81beaeac4ac270cb55e33403595a9 (path )", data: None }))), sgd: 67, subgraph_id: QmVjV9mCoL3ynoi4nvBzZRSskQBNwZ56dUAzh44yktZTGK, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
Sep 26 17:42:06.875 INFO Done processing trigger, gas_used: 0, data_source: Pair, handler: handleTransfer, total_ms: 494, transaction: 0x942a…02e3, address: 0x05ba…16a9, signature: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256), sgd: 67, subgraph_id: QmVjV9mCoL3ynoi4nvBzZRSskQBNwZ56dUAzh44yktZTGK, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
Sep 26 17:42:06.875 INFO Possible reorg detected, retrying, error: failed to process trigger: block #54238556 (0x2558…2524), transaction 942a364da177f4f7884b18e487182bc10d3dfd52826d40e3d4d6ed829aa402e3: Ethereum node returned an error when calling function "balanceOf" of contract "Pair": RPC error: Error { code: ServerError(-32000), message: "missing trie Node f9b90ad5ccc1248374b93c959333d0f4a9f81beaeac4ac270cb55e33403595a9 (path )", data: None }
wasm backtrace:
0: 0x24e1 - <unknown>!<wasm function 125>
1: 0x2529 - <unknown>!<wasm function 126>
2: 0x2e77 - <unknown>!<wasm function 148>
, block_hash: 0xca0d86e292a949b8374db126f9f578a7ecd466e5be859a592b9cd0d3d685abb3, block_number: 54238556, sgd: 67, subgraph_id: QmVjV9mCoL3ynoi4nvBzZRSskQBNwZ56dUAzh44yktZTGK, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
Sep 26 17:42:06.875 INFO Scanning blocks [54255667, 54257666], range_size: 2000, sgd: 67, subgraph_id: QmVjV9mCoL3ynoi4nvBzZRSskQBNwZ56dUAzh44yktZTGK, component: BlockStream
Sep 26 17:42:06.889 WARN Trying again after eth_call RPC call for block #54222883 (ff9545cc6dfd3f10bd79a78670b87a3c98904865e215b84147deaf902d433750) failed (attempt #10) with result Err(Web3Error(Rpc(Error { code: ServerError(-32000), message: "missing trie Node 39db023277580d868ac7239624be80c0ec59d6bcd8cc4cc6054d71e586aa8114 (path )", data: None }))), sgd: 68, subgraph_id: QmabwrLTp4Ncn3hXhMrrZ5fze7Msx8vrcLCqe7C6r34s9i, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
Sep 26 17:42:06.890 INFO Done processing trigger, gas_used: 0, data_source: PriceOracle, handler: priceUpdateHandler, total_ms: 452, transaction: 0x13f6…a52c, address: 0x9bdc…9803, signature: LogSetPrice(indexed bytes32,uint256,uint256), sgd: 68, subgraph_id: QmabwrLTp4Ncn3hXhMrrZ5fze7Msx8vrcLCqe7C6r34s9i, component: SubgraphInstanceManager
Sep 26 17:42:06.891 INFO Possible reorg detected, retrying, error: failed to process trigger: block #54222883 (0xb35a…aa99), transaction 13f6d4cf2e319c279dd451c58bd8c05277b53ef22cfb455d027d605a996ea52c: Ethereum node returned an error when calling function "getDebtAccumulatedRate" of contract "CollateralPoolConfig": RPC error: Error { code: ServerError(-32000), message: "missing trie Node 39db023277580d868ac7239624be80c0ec59d6bcd8cc4cc6054d71e586aa8114 (path )", data: None }
wasm backtrace:
0: 0x39af - <unknown>!src/price-oracle/priceUpdateHandler
, block_hash: 0xff9545cc6dfd3f10bd79a78670b87a3c98904865e215b84147deaf902d433750, block_number: 54222883, sgd: 68, subgraph_id: QmabwrLTp4Ncn3hXhMrrZ5fze7Msx8vrcLCqe7C6r34s9i, component: SubgraphInstanceManager

Discussion (4)

rushabh_parmar profile image
Rushabh Parmar

We have done some changes in the Archive node RPC can you please try agin now with the following details

Websocket wss://

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

Is or

tarun_sharma profile image
Tarun Sharma Author

Thanks @rushabh_parmar the issue is now resolved at our end.

tarun_sharma profile image
Tarun Sharma Author

@rushabh_parmar is it possible for you to explain what was the root cause of issue and what fix you have done.