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[HackVerse] CertiVerse: Certificate generator and validator

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Certificate generator and validator through Blockchain Technology

The problem CertiVerse solves
Online certificate generation and validation system using Blockchain Technology. The problem at hand revolves around the current state of certificate issuance and validation in a world where a multitude of training programs, courses, and qualifications are offered. The existing system lacks an efficient and tamper-proof mechanism for verifying digital certificates, creating challenges for Government Offices, Students, Industry professionals, and Institutes. In the absence of a robust solution, there is a significant risk of certificate fraud and misrepresentation.
Even the government issued certificates such as Birth certificate, Property details, Caste certificate are easily faked nowadays. So solving this problem was a must. These fakes are so efficient that no one can recognise them easily and thus have to opt for background check which take around 10 to 15 days and it involve humans so there is chance of corruption.

Our solution create a fully efficient and tamper-proof mechanism for certificate generation and validation. Since everything is managed by smart contract and transactions are stored on blockchain, there is no involvment of human so no chance of corruption.
We created a Dapp which solves this problem by coverting the generated certificates using blockchain into NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) which makes them transparent and immutable.
First of all, the certification issuing authority needs to be verified on the network. Only the validated authories can generate the certificates using the platform. The platform converts these digital certificates into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The NFTs, which represent the certificates, are securely stored on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).
Authority Verification: To maintain trust and authenticity, the company is recorded as the issuer of the NFTs.
NFT Transfer: The company transfers the NFTs to their respective users and This transfer is recorded on the underlying blockchain network (XDC Apothem Network).
Transaction Record: Anyone can view the transaction on the blockchain explorer to verify the issuance and transfer.
User Receipt: Users receive the NFT certificates in their digital wallets, such as MetaMask.

Challenges we ran into
The problems faced while deploying to XDC Apothem Network:
Many issues occured while using the latest solidity version to deploy the contract on the XDC Network. After a very long session (~5h) of trail and errors, downgrading the solidity version to ^0.8.13 (previously ^0.8.21) and changing the deployer to truffle from hardhat solved the issue.

Tech Stack Used
XDC Apothem Network

Video Demo
PPT Link
PDF Link

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Team Profile
Team Name: Bitmind-Cognition
Team Members:
1) Abhishek Bhagat
2) Shubham Gupta
3) Sreevallabh Karanam
4) Srushti Kale

XDC Wallet Address: 0xE6d745E2E5F032E4FD3c4D400eAdc316121471A8
XDC Apothem Deploy Contract Address: 0xcBE50EeeB091dBe8DE526613B277F46EFaf09542
Explorer Link

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