Step 2: Update .env file with details: Create .env file by using the sample - .env.example
Enter either your company or product name in the INSTANCE_NAME field.
Enter your email address in CONTACT_DETAILS field. cd mainnet *OR* testnet
cp env.example .env
nano .env
Step 3: Start your Node For Mainnet
Run: cd mainnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up –d
You would able to see your node listed on the XinFin Network page. Select Menu "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork and Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats.
Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use: sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
Attach XDC Console: cd mainnet
sudo bash
For Testnet
Run: cd testnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
You would able to see your node listed on the page. Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats and Select "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork.
Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use: cd testnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
Hey @Cody Gordon,
Kindly refer the below step and setup your XDC testnet masternode using Docker, still if you are facing any issues let us know.
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit or higher
Should be facing internet directly with public IP & without NAT
Tools: Docker, Docker Compose(1.27.4+)
Setup (For Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit or higher Operating System)
Clone the XinFin Node repository:
git clone
Enter XinFin-Node directory:
cd XinFin-Node
Step 1: Install docker & docker-compose:
sudo ./setup/
Step 2: Update .env file with details: Create .env file by using the sample - .env.example
Enter either your company or product name in the INSTANCE_NAME field.
Enter your email address in CONTACT_DETAILS field.
cd mainnet *OR* testnet
cp env.example .env
nano .env
Step 3: Start your Node
For Mainnet
cd mainnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up –d
You would able to see your node listed on the XinFin Network page. Select Menu "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork and Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats.
Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
Attach XDC Console:
cd mainnet
sudo bash
For Testnet
cd testnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
You would able to see your node listed on the page. Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats and Select "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork.
Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use:
cd testnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
I will give this a shot. So there's no way to use the one-click installer and use Windows?