Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: Using XDC with private blockchain

rest_123_112f6cdb30abc474 profile image
rest 123 Author

INFO [01-05|16:14:17] Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...
INFO [01-05|16:14:27] Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...
WARN [01-05|16:14:32] Full stats report failed err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-05|16:14:32] Full stats report failed err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-05|16:14:32] Full stats report failed err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-05|16:14:32] Failed to decode stats server message err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-05|16:14:32] Failed to decode stats server message err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-05|16:14:32] Failed to decode stats server message err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
INFO [01-05|16:14:37] Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...
INFO [01-05|16:14:47] Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...
INFO [01-05|16:14:57] Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...
INFO [01-05|16:15:07] Not my turn to commit block. Waiting...
WARN [01-05|16:15:16] Full stats report failed err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-05|16:15:16] Failed to decode stats server message err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-05|16:15:16] Full stats report failed err="ping timed out"
WARN [01-05|16:15:16] Failed to decode stats server message err="read tcp> use of closed network connection"
WARN [01-05|16:15:16] Full stats report failed

this is the more recent log

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hey @rest_123_112f6cdb30abc474,
Devs have raised new PR please test it.
Also there is active devs discussion going on github please join it and it would be appreciable if you will share your inputs.
tell us if you still have any issues Looking forward to your reply…
Thank you