Please check the attached screenshots, I am trying to deploy a test contract on "" using "Metamask - XDC Apothem Network" and "" using "XDCPay"
And it easily gets connected.
If you are deploying a contract on ETH Remix then use Metamask and if you are deploying a contract on XinFin Remix, use XDCPay.
Note: If you are using Metamask then disable XDCPay and if you are using XDCPay then disable Metamask.
Hey @logeswaran, You need to Disable the Metamask first and Enable XDCPay to connect it to Remix.
Refer the below screenshot:
HI @ivan_blocksscan, yes I have done the same!. Metamask is not enabled, only XDCPay is enabled. Still the same issue.
Hey @logeswaran ,
Please check the attached screenshots, I am trying to deploy a test contract on "" using "Metamask - XDC Apothem Network" and "" using "XDCPay"
And it easily gets connected.
If you are deploying a contract on ETH Remix then use Metamask and if you are deploying a contract on XinFin Remix, use XDCPay.
Note: If you are using Metamask then disable XDCPay and if you are using XDCPay then disable Metamask.
Infact, I do not have Metamask now. Only the XDCPay and still has the same issue.
Try now with XinFin Remix by clearing Cache once.
Because I am able to connect XinFin Remix with XDCPay.
Now it is working fine!, thank you for the quick attention
Note : I didnt clear the cache