Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: [Solved]XDCPay is not being recognized in Ethereum Remix -- <Fixed>

ivan_blocksscan profile image

Hey @logeswaran, You need to Disable the Metamask first and Enable XDCPay to connect it to Remix.

  1. Access the "Manage Extension" Settings.
  2. Disable the Metamask.
  3. Check that XDCPay is Enable or Not, if not then please Enable XDCPay.

Refer the below screenshot:
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logeswaran profile image
Lokesh Author

HI @ivan_blocksscan, yes I have done the same!. Metamask is not enabled, only XDCPay is enabled. Still the same issue.

ivan_blocksscan profile image

Hey @logeswaran ,

Please check the attached screenshots, I am trying to deploy a test contract on "" using "Metamask - XDC Apothem Network" and "" using "XDCPay"

And it easily gets connected.

Image description

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If you are deploying a contract on ETH Remix then use Metamask and if you are deploying a contract on XinFin Remix, use XDCPay.

Note: If you are using Metamask then disable XDCPay and if you are using XDCPay then disable Metamask.

logeswaran profile image
Lokesh Author

Infact, I do not have Metamask now. Only the XDCPay and still has the same issue.


ivan_blocksscan profile image

Try now with XinFin Remix by clearing Cache once.

Because I am able to connect XinFin Remix with XDCPay.

Thread Thread
logeswaran profile image
Lokesh Author

Now it is working fine!, thank you for the quick attention

Note : I didnt clear the cache