I'm using the OpenZeppelin base contracts with their transparent proxy feature.
The deployment of the proxy is successful but when it comes to verification on the explorer the verification fails.
Without using the upgradeable proxy, the contract can be successfully verified. Does anyone have any experience with upgradeable contracts using OpenZeppelin?
Thank you.
Discussion (4)
We hope that the above issue is resolved, if the issue is still persist then please let us know about it so that the team can resolve it on priority. It will be grateful to get an update within 72 hours or else it will be considered resolved.
XinFin XDC Network is an EVM compatible network so you can easily deploy any Ethereum network upgradable contract on the XDC Network
And Please check out the detail guide on How to verify a smart contract at XDC Network xdc.dev/ivan_blocksscan/how-to-ver...
Hello @dazraf
Since we haven’t received any response from your side , we are closing the issue as it appears to be resolved. If you still have the issue, please feel free to reopen it.
Thank you!
Hi my team has built 7 in production.