Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: XDC Community requires your support!

cryptodadxx profile image

My vote is YES.

The work that has been done (and ongoing) by the XDC Community is a major proof point for me, and why my answer is a yes. Prior to ideating the formation of this standalone entity, this team of community members has been putting in a lot of work on the development side to give developers the proper tools and knowledge to build on-chain.

One of the biggest items I'd like to see come out of this entity (Atul touched on this in his comments as well), is the development of an on-chain form of governance. This would vastly increase decentralization and allow for a more equitable voting mechanism for any proposals put forward. I understand the need to have voting take place here for now, but this is not sustainable in the long run.

That idea brings me to my next point - COST. I understand that many have concerns about the budget and how it is on the higher side. I challenge that. We have all witnessed in our daily lives that the cost of dong business is increasing dramatically. The value of developers & engineers has soared as well - and for good reason. Developers are in high demand and at the end of the day, what is built on-chain has a direct correlation with who is behind the scenes building it. I am of the opinion that this budget helps to fill the wage gap for quality developers & team members alike.

I very much look forward to the continuous developments that come out of this entity and am optimistic about the future it holds. Thank you for giving the community a place to vote and have their voice heard.
