Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Cinza Fénix
Cinza Fénix

Posted on

[Solved]I cannot access my wallet with trezor, i tried what was said in the earliest post by tiberio09 but it didn t work.

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Discussion (6)

nsable profile image
Neelam Sable

Hello @cinza_fenix_31814ea2028fd
We hope that the above issue is resolved, if the issue is still persist then please let us know about it so that the team can resolve it on priority. It will be grateful to get an update within 72 hours or else it will be considered resolved.

cinza_fenix_31814ea2028fd profile image
Cinza Fénix Author

is resolved, thank you

lance profile image
Lance Lilly
cinza_fenix_31814ea2028fd profile image
Cinza Fénix Author

thank you

lance profile image
Lance Lilly

Lmk if it works out

mart_bd2f14 profile image
Christopher Martin

I did do this as suggested - and it showed my tokens in my MM account - i went back today and the tokens have disapeared, any suggestions