Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Bobby Jonas
Bobby Jonas

Posted on

FIX XDCPay 1.0 and 2.0 ASAP!

URGENT! The default gas price of 1 for XDCPay 1.0 freezes the extension after sending XDC and forces a reinstall. This problem happens after XDC 2.0 upgrade due to gas fee changes. Set the default gas price to 12.5. Same for XDCPay 2.0. Push the fixes to chrome store for both XDCPay 1.0 and 2.0 ASAP! THIS IS URGENT! I've been promoting XDCPay to everyone so if this isn't fixed ASAP, it's not good.

XDCPay 1.0:
XDCPay 2.0:

Discussion (6)

anilchinchawale profile image

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The team is addressing the gas price issue with XDCPay 1.0 and 2.0, and we’re working to ensure a smooth update soon. Thank you for your patience and support!

bobby_jonas_84843fb96fedd profile image
Bobby Jonas Author

@anilchinchawale Any updates? XDCPay still not fixed

sean_ profile image

Thanks for reporting the issue. Dev team is looking into the issue.

bobby_jonas_84843fb96fedd profile image
Bobby Jonas Author

@sean_ Any updates? XDCPay still not fixed

redpill1 profile image

DEVs, btw this happens also on Edge browser and Brave browser.
Agree with Bobby, this should be fixed asap.

Issues very severe, because it is simply transaction fails, but it prevents XDCPay from accessing wallets until XDCPay is uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch.

bobby_jonas_84843fb96fedd profile image
Bobby Jonas Author

@redpill1 XDCPay still not fixed. Hopefully it is soon. This is urgent and it's already been 2 months. Needs to be fixed ASAP especially with the ever increasing interest in XDC now