Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Adithya NG
Adithya NG

Posted on

[HackVerse] Xcrow-Trade Real World Assests with Transperancy and Security

The problem Xcrow solves

In traditional online transactions, trust is a significant issue between merchants and customers. There's a need for a secure, decentralized escrow system that ensures the safety of funds until the completion of a transaction. The lack of a reliable escrow service often leads to disputes and potential fraud in online transactions.

Challenges we ran into

  • Smart Contract Integration: As we were using the xdc network there were small changes that were needed in integrating it with the dApp

  • NFT Minting: We were using a nft based agreement, and we had to generate a token form the ERC721 standard

  • Security and Edge Cases: as we were building everything from the scratch we had to solve many issues in the frontend also.

Tech Stack

Languages and Frameworks

  • Solidity: Used for smart contract development.
  • Remix IDE: Integrated Development Environment utilized for Solidity contract deployment on the xdc apothem testnet
  • Next.js: used for building the frontend and all the api's.

Blockchain and Tools

  • XDC Apothem Testnet: used for deploying smart contracts.
  • IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): Utilized for the storage of the nft tokenIds


here is out github repo Xcrow

Video demo

Here is a demo video for out project


Home Page
Payment Page
Create Page

Team Profile

Adithya- FrontEnd Dev
Lokeshwaran- Backend and blockchain developer
Sankar- Solidity developer
Vyshnav- Product Manager and Consulting

XDC Wallet Address

Metamask address - 0xA46c289dC876512876725ebcD378A259C1F59906

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