Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Abhishek Bhagat
Abhishek Bhagat

Posted on • Updated on

[Solved] Contract not getting deployed on Apothem Testnet.

I am deploying my contract on Apothem Testnet. I am getting error. The error image is shown below. I am using openzepplin/contracts latest version(5.0.0). I even tried downgrading to 4.9.3 and then 4.8.0 and then 4.4.0 but still the error remains the same.
Image description

Discussion (2)

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu
mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hey @abhishek_bhagat_f47a11b71
Please use truffle to deploy your smart contract on apothem network it will surely resolve your issue.
your can refer these articles :-

Let me know if you need any other help
Thank you!