Issue: I sent 1000 Test XDC
to the Test wallet 1, then
created another wallet
Test wallet 2 to sent 500
test XDC tokens. It never
arrived on the Test wallet 2.
I see only the gas transaction
taken from Test wallet 1 despite
transaction being conifrmed
as a success.
Idea: When you view the value
on Blockscan explorer, it would
be great if you can click the
the value number to show what
the value on the day of tx was.
Not sure if that's in the works
I have tried your scenario, and I have received the tokens on another wallet.
Please check once again. If you still face any issues, you can share the screen recording for the same.
BlocksScan team trying to create a "BlocksScan - Etherscan compatible API", which will be integrated with XDCPay soon. So that user can able to see the "Received" transaction history too.
Please enable “max” withdraw. Incase I want to withdraw all my xdc from a wallet i no longer want to use this would come handy. Otherwise there’s lots of wallets with small amounts of xdc abandoned
Issue: I sent 1000 Test XDC
to the Test wallet 1, then
created another wallet
Test wallet 2 to sent 500
test XDC tokens. It never
arrived on the Test wallet 2.
I see only the gas transaction
taken from Test wallet 1 despite
transaction being conifrmed
as a success.
Idea: When you view the value
on Blockscan explorer, it would
be great if you can click the
the value number to show what
the value on the day of tx was.
Not sure if that's in the works
I have tried your scenario, and I have received the tokens on another wallet.
Please check once again. If you still face any issues, you can share the screen recording for the same.
BlocksScan team trying to create a "BlocksScan - Etherscan compatible API", which will be integrated with XDCPay soon. So that user can able to see the "Received" transaction history too.
Please enable “max” withdraw. Incase I want to withdraw all my xdc from a wallet i no longer want to use this would come handy. Otherwise there’s lots of wallets with small amounts of xdc abandoned
Kindly note that MAX button is enable and you can use it to send all fund from specific account.