Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: XDC Wallet

wildanimallife8_nature_1f profile image
Wildanimallife8 Nature Author

I am trying to find a solution to the issue,How did you check your balance on the explorer.I get very frustrating about that issue,if you have any advise let me know

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miles_fd5630e5f9 profile image

Yeah, just check here:

Paste your wallet address on there, you can copy this directly from your xdc wallet, & it should show your balance.

Also, I've just checked, my wallet balance is fine now. Maybe yours is too.

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wildanimallife8_nature_1f profile image
Wildanimallife8 Nature Author

Thank you very much for your response and your help, my in too has returned.
i will keep in touch with you,have a good day my friend

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wildanimallife8_nature_1f profile image
Wildanimallife8 Nature Author

Hello Miles
Could you please shed some light here I am trying to send from xdc wallet to another wallet tokens and always coming up this Error Message: under min gas price.