Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: THE GRAPH

vishrut_srivastava_1ec5cb profile image
Vishrut Srivastava

Please check now and let us know.

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pro100skm profile image
Mr. Popovich Author

No, doesn't work. At least returns empty data.

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pro100skm profile image
Mr. Popovich Author

This is libs that I use for compile and build subgraph. Are they ok?

"@graphprotocol/graph-cli": "^0.21.0",
"@graphprotocol/graph-ts": "^0.20.0",
"@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.6.0",
"@openzeppelin/subgraphs": "^0.1.7-1"

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ncode profile image

@pro100skm Can you try redeploying it? I have deployed a subgraph on mainnet to query the ERC721 which seems to work fine.

I have used this repo to deploy it.

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vishrut_srivastava_1ec5cb profile image
Vishrut Srivastava

Which subgraph are you using? Do you have the github link?

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pro100skm profile image
Mr. Popovich Author
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ncode profile image

@pro100skm Getting some compilation erros

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pro100skm profile image
Mr. Popovich Author
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ncode profile image

@pro100skm I did this deployment on Apothem , I did it twice
First time : I did it from the latest block count , but it only indexed one / two records.
Second time: 35252497 This block count, It's now indexing data when checked after certain intervals.
Deployment :

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pro100skm profile image
Mr. Popovich Author

apothem is great, but we have a problem with mainnet graphql