Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Taimoor Malik
Taimoor Malik

Posted on • Updated on

[Solved] Facing deployment issue on Apothem XDC and Mainnet

Hello, I am encountering an issue, I had previously deployed a contract to XDC Apothem like 2 months back and now when I try to deploy it again it says:
Returned error: too many arguments, want at most 1
Although the same contract is easily deployed at other networks like mumbai, bsc testnet, sepolia
Sol: 0.6.12
The error pops on while on doesn't even open metamask or any indication of problem!

Image description
Anybody can guide me whats the issue here!

Discussion (3)

mitali_blocksscan profile image

Hey @taimoor_malik_da8e404d11d,
I just tried out deploying a sample smart contract on XinFin Remix using the BlocksPay wallet, and it worked like a charm. The wallet connected smoothly to Remix, allowing me to deploy the contract hassle-free.

while deploying contract you have to choose "Injected Web3 provider" under environment option.
BlocksPay Extension link:

Deployed contract hash:-

11ppm profile image

Thank you for the great development. I want to convey my hope. The lock keeps happening every few minutes, so when I reload, it locks again. This feels inconvenient. I hope you can consider making improvements.

gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

This PR can fix your problem.