Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Tadashi Yoshida
Tadashi Yoshida

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[WIP] Issue Need to be fixed ASAP: XDCPay 2.0 cannot be downloaded from Google Chrome Japanese edition.

XDCPay 2.0 cannot be downloaded from Google Chrome Japanese edition. Here is the link:
When I try to add XDCPay 2.0 to my Google chrome extension, the access is denied.
This issue is not occured on my Google Chrome but occured on some Japanese users.
Does it happen only on Google Chrome Japanese edition?

Discussion (2)

anilchinchawale profile image

The XDCPay Extension is now accessible. Google Chrome Store has re-reviewed and verified it. Feel free to try it out now!

vrushali_panchal profile image
Vrushali Panchal

No, it's not specific to the Japanese edition; it affects all users. We've reported the issue with XDCPay 2.0 to the Google Chrome Store team, and we're awaiting their response.