Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: Create a Xinfin wallet on Liminal

samkot13 profile image
Samyak Kothari Author

Steps for creating an account:

  1. Account Owner creates an account via Google Sign in or other Email Address
  2. Account Owner gets prompt to set up 2FA via OTP or Authenticator or Yubi Key
  3. Account Owner invites Admin and other users to become part of the organization
  4. Users accept invitation received via Email and create account (Step 1)
  5. Users need to link their hardware devices
  6. Account is now ready to use!

Steps for creating a wallet:

  1. Go to wallets > Create new wallet
  2. Selecting XinFin, give wallet name & select group members
  3. Select members to be a part of wallet
  4. Confirm the details