Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network


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Block Not Found Error on Subgraph

We have done a deployment of the original graph-node codebase for the xinfin-mainnet using an EC2 instance.

We had deployed a subgraph on the same, which started scanning / indexing the data, however since it was started from the genesis block and the activity on the contracts needed to be tracked are the latest one's. We had to wait for about a day or more to let it get indexed.

However the graph-node is throwing an error, when reached a particular block. Is there any particular issue with that block (45646927)? Can someone from the XDC Team look into this?

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graph-node_1  | Aug 05 10:20:52.122 INFO Scanning blocks [45646927, 45646927], range_size: 1, sgd: 1, subgraph_id: QmaMJ8idTYAysG67F6au42jbLwEeo5aFww8WjocLsPJKqd, component: BlockStream
graph-node_1  | Aug 05 10:20:52.726 INFO Syncing 2 blocks from Ethereum, code: BlockIngestionStatus, blocks_needed: 2, blocks_behind: 2, latest_block_head: 48616842, current_block_head: 48616840, provider: xinfin-mainnet-rpc-0, component: BlockIngestor
graph-node_1  | Aug 05 10:20:52.944 WARN Trying again after load block 0x5d16…cf73 failed (attempt #10) with result Err(Ethereum node did not find block 0x5d16bd9f5f0c4bebd5c138c3f08401a6731eefc01f05f1929b952a883a6bcf73), sgd: 4, subgraph_id: QmZhKNK1hN4TWWeuoGJz9jzmXnZoUK9zr93r13ZKvc6nbC, component: BlockStream
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Discussion (5)

akhekade profile image
Atul Khekade • Edited on

My personal thought is the archive node may have to be redeployed as it has skipped that particular block information due to some error. But i maybe wrong. The Devs are working to fix.

Pls refer :


gzliudan profile image
Daniel Liu

The latest version is here:

vrushali_panchal profile image
Vrushali Panchal

We have received your query, and the development team is working on the same.

ncode profile image
ncode Author

@vrushali_panchal Any updates?

ncode profile image
ncode Author