Hello, I am looking to setup a node and I am running into trouble with the 1 click installer v XinFin-Network-installer-0-12-0.exe
After instillation I launch the application and according to the logs it is attempting to download a XDC.exe from http://download.xinfin.network/XDC.zip, which I can browse to and manually download as necessary however in the log it reports it is unable to download the file and creates a 0kb archive.zip file then abandoned the process and just hangs indefinitely.
I've attempted to place the file there for it, but even after doing that it tries to re-download it and fails even with the file sitting where it needs to be.
Any assistance or ideas would be appreciated.
Here is a copy of the log:
[INFO] updateChecker - App is up-to-date.
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - No "skippedNodeVersion.json" found.
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Initializing...
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Resolving platform...
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Calculating possible clients...
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - 1 possible clients.
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Verifying status of all 1 possible clients...
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Verify XDC status ...
[ERROR] ClientBinaryManager - Unable to resolve XDC executable: XDC.exe
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Download binary for XDC ...
[INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Downloading package from http://download.xinfin.network/XDC.zip to C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\XinFin Network\binaries\XDC\archive.zip ...
INFO - Meteor starting up...
INFO - Meteor starting up...
[ERROR] ClientBinaryManager - Error: invalid signature: 0x21726152
at E:\XDC\resources\app.asar\node_modules\node-unzip-2\lib\parse.js:63:13
at runCallback (timers.js:781:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:743:5)
at processImmediate as _immediateCallback
Discussion (3)
hi@alpha07 ,
Would it be possible for you to consider using Docker for setting up the node?Using Docker for startup more reliably
Yeah, I should be able to give docker a shot. I definitely like the ease of the UI though but will try docker and that link you shared and let you know if a similar error comes up.
If the meantime, if anything comes up the UI version being updated, or my specific issue investigated please let me know.