Developers Forum for XinFin XDC Network

Discussion on: Feedback is required for integrating dedicated masternodes statistics in BlocksScan Explorer.

mrblockchain22 profile image
Salomon Morales

@walterblueu I think it's better if the API returns if the node is staked vs KYC'd as this will be much easier to implement. If they are staked that means they have gone through the KYC process as you need to KYC to stake. There is no way around it (there is but it's more technical than uploading a document).

walterblueu profile image
Jon McBee

I agree, ideally we want an address for a staked and KYC'd node. If it isn't staked it won't earn rewards and if it doesn't earn rewards then it doesn't have a meaningful voice in, for example, adoption of a protocol update.