Hi Guys,
I really messed up and locked 50k XDC in a WebWallet on xinfin.org. I used the 12 Word Mnemonic Phrase Method to enter a wallet and entered my regular password (which I thought I have set a few weeks ago). I entered the password really quickly and made a typo along the way. The Wallets opened anyway, since any entered password creates a new set of wallets. I didn't understand this and thought that I nailed my password on the first try although I typed it really quickly. So now I'm bruteforcing this thing manually on the xinfin webwallet WebSite and tried over a 1000 combinations, which I track in excel and I generate them in python.
Right now I think I made a really messed up typo and even maybe missed a character, so the messed up password may have less characters than usual (12 instead of 13). It also contains an "!" which could also be a 1, since I may have missed holding the shift button by typing so quick and so on. That's too many combinations if I take all of this stuff into account.
I'm thinking about bruteforcing the password via API and directly connect to the network with code and check the balances for each password for my mnemonic phrase. I'm really a newbie to Blockchain programming, so my question is: is it possible to connect for example with python (or other languages) and just check if a 12-Word Phrase + iterated Password combination gives me a wallet balance which is bigger than 0 XDC?
I'm willing to work my way through docs but it would be awesome to have a starting point where to look.
Discussion (3)
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Hey did you ever figure it out? I'm having the same issue and I know my pwords and 12 word phrase. This is ridiculous especially since this is the official xinfin web wallet. Apparently a lot of others have this issue too. I'm shocked more aren't aware or even talking about it. I'd love to get this issue out so their team can fix it. I've lost a substantial amount too. I've tried a few recoveries but no success.
interesting, my friend have an issue with the password too,
many people have same issue, password not working
idk if it is xinfin who fked people up or ppl mistaking their password,
anyway, that is a super sh!t way to make an account,
dumb devs